Accession: 696A.81.015
Editorial Title: M. Emma Morse to Mary Baker Eddy, May 27, 1882
Author: M. Emma Morse 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 27, 1882
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by M. Emma Morse on lined embossed paper from Lawrence, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Morse had seen Mary Baker Eddy the previous day, and wants to study with her in order to master metaphysics. Morse is apparently lacking in funds to pay Eddy's tuition for instruction and is wondering if there is some way she could be of assistance to Eddy as a substitute for paying at least part of the tuition. Morse says there are at least a half dozen invalids who are waiting for her to learn to practice Christian Science and restore the invalids to health. (We have no record of M. Emma Morse studying with Mary Baker Eddy.)
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