Accession: 700A.82.020
Editorial Title: Elizabeth Parker to Mary Baker Eddy, November 15, 1883
Author: Elizabeth Parker 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 15, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Elizabeth Parker on embossed paper from Wolfborough, New Hampshire.
Editorial Note: Parker is replying to a letter (L05619), dated October 22, 1883, that she received from Mary Baker Eddy. (The letter had been mistakenly addressed to Parker's daughter, Kate C. Parker.) Parker writes of her desire to take class with Eddy, but she wonders if she has the courage to take such an open stand for truth. She feels that if she had the assurance this was what God wanted her to do, she would have the strength. She asks Eddy to pray for her that she will do right in all things and to send her more details about classes.
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