Accession: 702.82.001
Editorial Title: Anna J. Phelps to Mary Baker Eddy, October 20, 1884
Author: Anna J. Phelps 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 20, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Anna J. Phelps from Orwell, Vermont.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Your kind favor of the 17th instantEditorial Note: This letter is not extant., written by suggestion of Gen. Wisewell was duly received Saturday Evening, on reply, I would say that having known of several successful demonstrations of the efficacy of your system of treatment for the cure of the sick. I had become somewhat interested, when Gen. W--, Our townsman, (in whose judgment and intelligence we have confidence) visited us and gave us more light upon the subject and now I am desirous not only of knowing more but of qualifying myself to demonstrate and teach your system

It was with that in view, that I asked Gen. Wisewell to obtain answers to the following questions--

1st What length of time is required to complete the courseEditorial Note: Class at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College?

2nd The expense of the course

3rd What is the curriculum

4th The expense of board?

Your letter contains the answer to but one, the second of these questions-- And here allow me to thank you for the reduction in price which you name. Even $200Editorial Note: $200 in 1884 is the equivalent of $5,643.01 in 2018. however is a large sum for me to pay, as all my means consist of small savings from my salary as teacher, & strongly desire to go to you from what Gen. W-- tells me -- and there are several who are talking of the matter and are already much interested--

I am a member of the Episcopal Church-- My early religious teachings were a mixture of the "isms" with exception of Spiritualism, of that I know nothing-- I am naturally somewhat skeptical--yet I hope I have mind enough to accept truth wherever found--

I am teaching in Orwell and the present term closes in three weeks Consequently, I could not go to Boston in one week-- Situated as I am I like to teach one term more and go to you about the first of March if such arrangements could be made, of course. I do not know when your class commences, I wish to look on all sides of the subject, because if I attempt this work it will be a new venture for this section and I should wish to make it a success.

Very truly
Anne J. Phelps
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Your kind favor of the 17th instantEditorial Note: This letter is not extant., written by suggestion of Gen. Wisewell was duly received Saturday Evening, on reply, I would say that having known of several successful demonstrations of the efficacy of your system of treatment for the cure of the sick. I had become somewhat interested, when Gen. W--, Our townsman, (in whose judgment and intelligence we have confidence) visited us and gave us more light upon the subject and now I am desirous not only of knowing more but of qualifying myself to demonstrate and teach your system

It was with that in view, that I asked Gen. Wisewell to obtain answers to the following questions--

1st What length of time is required to complete the courseEditorial Note: Class at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College?

2nd The expense of the course

3rd What is the curriculum

4th The expense of board?

Your letter contains the answer to but one, the second of these questions-- And here allow me to thank you for the reduction in price which you name. Even $200Editorial Note: $200 in 1884 is the equivalent of $5,643.01 in 2018. however is a large sum for me to pay, as all my means consist of small savings from my salary as teacher, & strongly desire to go to you from what Gen. W-- tells me -- and there are several who are talking of the matter and are already much interested--

I am a member of the Episcopal Church-- My early religious teachings were a mixture of the "isms" with exception of Spiritualism, of that I know nothing-- I am naturally somewhat skeptical--yet I hope I have mind enough to accept truth wherever found--

I am teaching in Orwell and the present term closes in three weeks Consequently, I could not go to Boston in one week-- Situated as I am I like to teach one term more and go to you about the first of March if such arrangements could be made, of course. I do not know when your class commences, I wish to look on all sides of the subject, because if I attempt this work it will be a new venture for this section and I should wish to make it a success.

Very truly
Anne J. Phelps
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This letter is not extant. Class at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College $200 in 1884 is the equivalent of $5,643.01 in 2018.