Accession: 708P2.84.010
Editorial Title: Eliza Rust to Mary Baker Eddy, February 24, 1886
Author: Eliza Rust 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye  Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: February 24, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Eliza Rust on unlined paper from New York, New York.
Archival Note: This letter includes notations in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye and Mary Baker Eddy.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. Frye[*]Archival Note: There is what appears to be shorthand written here.

I looked in the city Directory for Mrs Campbells addressAs Written:adress. but failed to find it. I understood the Name to be L L. Campbell & Lexington Avenue will you kindly forward me the address As Written: adress of someoneAs Written:some on in the city as soon as you receive this, as I want to take treatment. for female weakness while I remain here hoping you will answer as soon as received

I remain As Written: emain
Mrs Theo. Rust
85. Second Street
New York
New YorkAs Written:N Y.
Handshift:Mary Baker EddySend Jour work address
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. Frye[*]Archival Note: There is what appears to be shorthand written here.

I looked in the city Directory for Mrs Campbells adressCorrected:address. but failed to find it. I understood the Name to be L L. Campbell & Lexington Avenue will you kindly forward me the adress Corrected: address of some onCorrected:someone in the city as soon as you receive this, as I want to take treatment. for female weakness while I remain here hoping you will answer as soon as received

I emain Corrected: remain
Mrs Theo. Rust
85. Second Street
New York
N Y.Expanded:New York
Handshift:Mary Baker EddySend Jour work address
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There is what appears to be shorthand written here. New York, New York