Accession: 709AP2.84.010
Editorial Title: Sanitary Pub. Co. to Mary Baker Eddy, October 16, 1883
Author: Sanitary Pub. Co. 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 16, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten on the lined printed stationery of the Sanitary Pub. Co. from Chicago, Illinois.
Editorial Note: The Sanitary Pub. Co. is replying to a letter (not extant), dated September 29, 1883, that they received from Mary Baker Eddy. Eddy apparently was interested in the company becoming an agent for the sale of her book, Science and Health. The company points out that Eddy has not stated the price of her book and that they would like to see a sample copy. They ask if she would send a sample in exchange for a copy of Dr. Stockham's Tokology. A notation at the top of the letter says that this letter was answered on October 18, 1883 and that samples of Eddy's books were sent.
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