Accession: 710AP1.85.025
Editorial Title: Mary S. Seiler to Mary Baker Eddy, May 29, 1885
Author: Mary S. Seiler 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 29, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary S. Seiler on lined paper from New Orleans, Louisiana.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Leader of the Christian Scientist having As Written: haveing read with much interest your several Communications Clipped As Written: Cliped from the Times Democrat on Mental Healing,

would ask what the Charges may be if any or is it on the order of faith if so I would like to hear from you on the subject have always been sick or delicate all my life have suffered enough to atone for the Sins of my past As Written: passed generations my nervous system might very well be Compared to of Violin as it is as easily thrown out of order the subject is one I imagine would require a great deal of Study & also purity of or A Clear Conscience Combined when at Leisure please let me hear from you & Oblige

Mary S Seiler
246 Louisiana As Written: Louisanna
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Leader of the Christian Scientist haveing Corrected: having read with much interest your several Communications Cliped Corrected: Clipped from the Times Democrat on Mental Healing,

would ask what the Charges may be if any or is it on the order of faith if so I would like to hear from you on the subject have always been sick or delicate all my life have suffered enough to atone for the Sins of my passed Corrected: past generations my nervous system might very well be Compared to of Violin as it is as easily thrown out of order the subject is one I imagine would require a great deal of Study & also purity of or A Clear Conscience Combined when at Leisure please let me hear from you & Oblige

Mary S Seiler
246 Louisanna Corrected: Louisiana
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New Orleans, Louisiana