⇉ Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsweredAs Written:Ans. Sept 13
⇉ Handshift:Edward A. SheldonEnfield MassachusettsAs Written:Mass
Sept 11/85
I feel the need of your method of treatment have been through all the kinds HomeopathyAs Written:Hom- AllopathyAs Written:alop- & HydropathicAs Written:Hydripathc & am not well yet, magnetic treatment has helped As Written: helpd me most of any, My trouble is neuro prostration of long-standingAs Written:long standing, do you treat at a distance or home office am not acquainted in Boston & prefer the country when all is quiet & peaceful I love the hills & mountains where I can commune with the great power of nature, not the hurry & confusion of a city when all is artificial
I’m As Written: Im not full of drugs simply low in vital force & need a strong will to start me up,
Please give this your earliest moment stating office hours & price both for home and at a distance provided you treat at a distance