Accession: 710B.85.020
Editorial Title: George A. Shepard to Mary Baker Eddy, October 29, 1884
Author: George A. Shepard 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: October 29, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by George A. Shepard on embossed lined paper from Gardiner, Maine.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsweredAs Written:As Nov 1

Will try & state My case so you will understandAs Written:under stand Me

My Wife has been Sick 9 months has Dyspepsia so She cannotAs Written:can not Eat anythingAs Written:any thing without Distressing Her awfullyAs Written:awfuly

Has Chills & Fevers & Pain Through Her Lungs Suffers EverythingAs Written:Every thing in mind and BodyAs Written:Boady the Doctor says She has got ConsumptionEditorial Note: Tuberculosis of the Blood That Her Lungs & BronchialAs Written:Bronical Tubes are weak & does not Encourage us much about Her

it is hard to seeAs Written:se one you Love better than Life itselfAs Written:itsel DyingAs Written:Dieing Day by Day & can do nothing for them

Mrs Eddy if you can help Her & I know you can have PityAs Written:Pitty on a Poor Suffering woman & do it & God will reward you I have no Money now have spent it all for Medicine & Doctor Bills

But if you will help My Darling Wife so I can go to work I would be willing to work all the rest of my Natural Life to Pay you

HopingAs Written:Hopeing to hear from you I remain
Your ObedientAs Written:Obd Servant
Geo A Shepard.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAsExpanded:Answered Nov 1

Will try & state My case so you will under standCorrected:understand Me

My Wife has been Sick 9 months has Dyspepsia so She can notCorrected:cannot Eat any thingCorrected:anything without Distressing Her awfulyCorrected:awfully

Has Chills & Fevers & Pain Through Her Lungs Suffers Every thingCorrected:Everything in mind and BoadyCorrected:Body the Doctor says She has got ConsumptionEditorial Note: Tuberculosis of the Blood That Her Lungs & BronicalCorrected:Bronchial Tubes are weak & does not Encourage us much about Her

it is hard to seCorrected:see one you Love better than Life itselCorrected:itself DieingCorrected:Dying Day by Day & can do nothing for them

Mrs Eddy if you can help Her & I know you can have PittyCorrected:Pity on a Poor Suffering woman & do it & God will reward you I have no Money now have spent it all for Medicine & Doctor Bills

But if you will help My Darling Wife so I can go to work I would be willing to work all the rest of my Natural Life to Pay you

HopeingCorrected:Hoping to hear from you I remain
Your ObdExpanded:Obedient Servant
Geo A Shepard.
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Gardiner, Maine Tuberculosis