⇉ Handshift:Emma L. Warren21 East College Ave ..
St. Paul. MinnesotaAs Written:Minn.
Jan 22d 1885.
I met a few days since some ladies who had attended your lectures. and was so much impressed by them & their stories, that I cannot rest until I have learned more about it. They gave me a number of your Journal in which I find your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy advertised and very interesting letters.
Enclosed you will find the amt. for the books & whatever else you think would be most helpful to one strange to your philosophy.
I am sure I shall never rest until I have thoroughly investigated it.
Will you be so kind as to write me the time required in a course of study at the College. And what are the requirements of the institution.
I have been a lifelongAs Written:life long invalid, and a seeker of the truth.
My husband has what is considered an absolutely incurable disease, which if fear is also inherited by our child. So I feel more anxious than I can express to confirm the hopes I have begun to entertain of higher light. And any help you can render us in the matter will be appreciated. I assure you. I fear that with the expensive journey I may not see my way to take a collegiate course of study, for we are quite poor. but am most anxious to know all particulars.
Begging As Written: Beging you excuse so long a note I hope soon to receive the books. & reply –