⇉ Handshift:Calvin A. FryeSent
⇉ Handshift:Henry WarrenColumbus Ohio. 11-12-84
Some time since I purchased from you. Your two Vol. of Science of HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy..
I have read & reread them bothAs Written:boath very carefully and BelieveAs Written:Beleive they contain the True Science
I am a Strong BelieverAs Written:beleiver in Metaphysics and am satisfied it is the correct way of healing the sick
A friend of one Miss Emma Cox of Austin Ill. Near Chicago learned the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science and is very successfulAs Written:Successfull in her practice. She first induced me to look into it.
I now feel that I would like to Make it a Business. If I could do so successfully from what insight I received from reading your “Valuable BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy..” I have given a few treatments for Sick headache Boils and Stys that were coming. in each case I think quite successfulAs Written:Successfull.
Now would it be necessary that I receive instructions. And If so about how long would it take. And If it is necessary. Would those who have learned and are now practicing be capableAs Written:cabable of giving Me Such Instructions as necessary.
Please let me hear from you in referenceAs Written:refference.
And Very MuchAs Written:Mutch Oblige
Nota BeneAs Written:NB Direct. #50 East Broad St
Columbus Ohio
Done HHB