⇉ Handshift:Harriet N. WeedenOaklawnEditorial Note: Oaklawn is a village in Cranston, Rhode Island Sept 1. 1884
Having loaned me through the kindness of a friend your “Journal of Christian Science” I have become deeply interested and have great faith in your manner of healing. I have been a great sufferer with nervous affection for years and the past summer have been in a fearful state so very excitable that my family are very anxious about me. I would like your manner of treatment but my husbandEditorial Note: George W. Weeden has been very unfortunate in business, & at present is working on a low salary: so it is impossible to remunerate you as I should I want to, but I have a large circle of friends, a brother in law that is now suffering from nervous debility, 2 invalid sisters & my husbandEditorial Note: George W. Weeden is incapacitated for some kinds of business on account of Hernia, a naval rupture & one in each groin he says if you could cure him he should have faith in your treatment. I believe he can be cured as well as many other diseases I have read of. Nothing could give me more pleasure if I were able & could leave my family of two young boys, than to go through a course of your instruction.
I presume you have any quantity of letters of this kind but if I couldAs Written:cld possess this your power of healing I think I could be instrumental in doing a great deal of good, and if you wouldAs Written:wld be so kind as to reply to this letter you couldAs Written:cld confer the greatest favor upon your true friend and well wishes, please direct to
Oak LawnEditorial Note: Oaklawn is a village in Cranston, Rhode Island Rhode IslandAs Written:R.I.