⇉ Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsweredAs Written:Ans. July 5
⇉ Handshift:Content WeldElgin, IllinoisAs Written:Ill. June 23d/84
Although an entire stranger to you I am so much interested in you and your work that I have ventured to write to you. I am an invalid, have been suffering for years with such dreadful headaches until my nervous system is so prostrated that I cannot use a pen or do any work. I commenced to lose my voice about four months ago I can talk some but not naturally and it seems as though my tongue is thick and I cannot use it freely. The doctors in Chicago say that the trouble is at the base of the brain or nerve centre.
A friend put in to my hands your book, “Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.” and although I cannot fully grasp the idea. It seemed like a healing balm to my soul. It is truth. I feel it, and although I feel that you may think me very bold to address you and my troubles may seem nothing to you, still I have so much hope and so much confidence in the principle upon which you work is founded that I extend my imploring arms from ElginEditorial Note: Elgin, Illinois to LynnEditorial Note: Lynn, Massachusetts in the hope that you will heed my cry. If I could only recover my voice and my strength I would use it to advance the cause of TruthEditorial Note: Christian Science – as far as my influence goes. Can you help me? If not, will you tell me of any one who can? Are you theories practiced in the west? I am forty miles from Chicago, am a woman fifty-five years old have lived in Wocester Co [?] Unclear or illegible until a few years ago.
Although my husbandEditorial Note: Russell Weld is the leading druggist in this city, I never took a dose of medicine that did me any good. I have no faith in it. I am too weak to have my mind control my body some other must do it for me. Now my dear Madam if you will write to me I will pay you what you ask or do what you wish. but please write me if but a word.