Accession: 723B.89.048
Editorial Title: Mary Whitman to Mary Baker Eddy, October 10, 1885
Author: Mary Whitman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: October 10, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Whitman on lined paper from Belvidere, Illinois.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeOct 31

Last Spring I wrote youEditorial Note: See 723B.89.045. concerning my attending your College Have not been able to do so, though have an increasing desire for it. I find with my Fathers failing strength my duties at home increase. Taking all things into consideration I am at a loss to know what duty is. I feel sure that I should never become successful in the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science without giving my undivided attention to it, that I could not do unless my Sister gave up her business As Written: busines (nursing) and attended to home cares. I do not neither do I want to As Written: too look at MetaphysicsEditorial Note: Christian Science as a money making scheme yet the necessaries As Written: necessarys must come from some source

I have concluded that it can do no harm to ask if you would accept me as a student trusting that I would succeed and wait for my tuition until As Written: untill I might be recompensed As Written: recampensed for some service I might be to others. I would pledge myself to pay you the first money that I might receive from it. I am aware that this is asking a great favor of a stranger

There is a Mrs Dean who is a Metaphysician As Written: Metaphysian and comes to our town, that will teach for. ($100) one hundred dollarEditorial Note: $100.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $2,635.64 in 2019. on these terms. but I am anxious to learn of you.

In regard to the time, I could leave home now until As Written: untill the last of Nov, or after the first of Jan,

I wanted to study your As Written: you books on Christian ScienceEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy more and become As Written: becone familiar with then, before receiving other instructions. I found those books very helpful to me, and sometimes would almost feel that I could grasp the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science with no other human aid

Last summer. a friend who was visiting us said they would like to read the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy (and I was very anxious they should) we lent them supposing they would soon return them (they are in Iowa) Will I need them at the College if not I rather not send for them.

from your troublesome friend
Mary Whitman
Boone CountyAs Written:Co
IllinoisAs Written:Ills
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeOct 31

Last Spring I wrote youEditorial Note: See 723B.89.045. concerning my attending your College Have not been able to do so, though have an increasing desire for it. I find with my Fathers failing strength my duties at home increase. Taking all things into consideration I am at a loss to know what duty is. I feel sure that I should never become successful in the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science without giving my undivided attention to it, that I could not do unless my Sister gave up her busines Corrected: business (nursing) and attended to home cares. I do not neither do I want too Corrected: to look at MetaphysicsEditorial Note: Christian Science as a money making scheme yet the necessarys Corrected: necessaries must come from some source

I have concluded that it can do no harm to ask if you would accept me as a student trusting that I would succeed and wait for my tuition untill Corrected: until I might be recampensed Corrected: recompensed for some service I might be to others. I would pledge myself to pay you the first money that I might receive from it. I am aware that this is asking a great favor of a stranger

There is a Mrs Dean who is a Metaphysian Corrected: Metaphysician and comes to our town, that will teach for. ($100) one hundred dollarEditorial Note: $100.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $2,635.64 in 2019. on these taerms. but I am anxious to learn of you.

In regard to the time, I could leave home now untill Corrected: until the last of Nov, or after the first of Jan,

I wanted to study you Corrected: your books on Christian ScienceEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy more and becone Corrected: become familiar with then, before receiving other instructions. I found those books very helpful to me, and sometimes would would almost feel that I could grasp the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science with no other human aid

Last summer. a friend who was visiting us said they would like to read the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy (and I was very anxious they should) we lent them supposing they would soon return them (they are in Iowa) unless [?] Unclear or illegible  Will I need them at the College if not I rather not send for them.

from your troublesome friend
Mary Whitman
Boone CoExpanded:County
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See 723B.89.045. Christian Science Christian Science $100.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $2,635.64 in 2019. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Christian Science Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy