⇉ Handshift:Lucy B. WrightMonroe WisconsinAs Written:Wis. Sept. 16th, / 85
Your letter of Sept 3d.Editorial Note: This letter is not extant. received. I should have answered it sooner, but for the first time. since studying Christian Science I have been sick. About four weeks ago. I commenced coughing, and a lady physician. who called. said the trouble was bronchial, and wanted to give me some medicine. but I refused to take any. or do anything for myself. farther than to try and treat myself in scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, and did not succeed. a few days ago. sharp pains commenced troubling me in my left side they became so severe, that at last, I consented to have a Dr called, the cough and cold had nearly caused a rupture. pleurisy, and congestion of the lungs. I had been so sure that I should not be sick. I had so much faith in scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. And still have. and think I could have done better for some one else. My side still troubles me. but I try to deny it. I think I have read that a sick scientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist, should be healed by another. is it so! God willing, next spring. I intend to go to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts. And study with Mrs. Eddy. I never expect to be a professional practitioner. but I want to do all the good I can, the more I read, the more anxious I am. to understand Mrs. Eddys, works. I have read and studied. them to the exclusion of nearly all other reading. I have no other help, but God, but I will not despair. if heEditorial Note: God is with me. as I. think I am realizing more & more. I felt more sorry to have a physician called. because I felt it hurt the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. as my friends knew how I felt about it. My physician is a lady fifty years of age. who expects to graduate from the Homeopathic College in ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois. next spring, and then she tells me, she will go to Boston and study with Mrs. Eddy. I only trusted to her medicine twenty four hours. for I felt it was wrong for me to do so, if I trusted in God. There is a young married lady in Brooklyn New YorkAs Written:N.York. Mrs. Carrie Wellen. who has a tumor or tumors, the Dr says, she has been visiting friends in Monroe. I told her aunt of the good being done in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, and gave her your address, and think you will hear from her. The Journals have come all right. the one dollarEditorial Note: $1.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $26.36 in 2019. was not for back numbers. but if you will please send me two, or three. that I can introduce them to my friends, I will be much obliged, the reminder I will donate to the good causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science.. and hope to do more.