Accession: 938.91.005
Editorial Title: Betsey G. Adams to Mary Baker Eddy, May 27, 1886
Author: Betsey G. Adams 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 27, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Betsey G. Adams on embossed lined paper from Milford, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Please find enclosed three dollars and eighteen ctsEditorial Note: $3.18 in 1886 is the equivalent of $99.00 in 2022., for your new revised book on Mental Science and forward by mail at your earliest Convenience, If you have them on the tinted type please send that kind, as I have a very sensitive head and As Written: an it troubles me to read on white print

I, have been under treatment by a Christian Scientist about four months without benefitAs Written:benifit, am almost discouraged, my case is a nervous or spinal trouble affecting As Written: effecting my limbs feet and head very badly, I have not been able to sit in a room at night with a light for seventeen or eighteen years

Do you consider such cases curable As Written: cureable under this treatment As Written: treat-ment

Truly Yours
Mrs A H Adams

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Please find enclosed three dollars and eighteen ctsEditorial Note: $3.18 in 1886 is the equivalent of $99.00 in 2022., for your new revised book on Mental Science and forward by mail at your earliest Convenience, If you have them on the tinted type please send that kind, as I have a very sensitive head an Corrected: and it troubles me to read on white print

I, have been under treatment by a Christian Scientist about four months without benifitCorrected:benefit, am almost discouraged, my case is a nervous or spinal trouble effecting Corrected: affecting my limbs feet and head very badly, I have not been able to sit in a room in at night with a light for seventeen or eighteen years

Do you consider such cases cureable Corrected: curable under this treat-ment Corrected: treatment

Truly Yours
Mrs A H Adams

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$3.18 in 1886 is the equivalent of $99.00 in 2022.