Accession: 939.91.039
Editorial Title: M. Bettie Bell to Calvin A. Frye, February 24, 1886
Author: M. Bettie Bell 
Recipient: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: February 24, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by M. Bettie Bell on unlined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I am so sorry I was misinformed about the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy - I ordered just as a Student told me - Of course the value of the books cannot be measured - I beg you to excuse me and send the 2 doz sets first - keep the rest of the money for another order - & when these are sent out you can forward more - Send me 1 doz of the pamphlets you spoke of The Historical Sketch - If I encumber you or Mrs. Eddy with writing please to chide me and all will be well —

A remarkable item came to my notice in Swedish As Written: Sweedish History of "Times of Linnaeus by TobeliousEditorial Note: The Surgeon’s Stories: Times of Linnaeus by Zacharias (Zachris) Topelius - In 17th Century A young Nobleman eighteen As Written: eighteens years old was called into a disputation at Theological institution - "Subject Ontological Proof of God's existence As Written: existance " - He denounced Theology & Claimed As Written: Clamed God would be found out by demonstration – He was expelled from Institution in disgrace for not apologizing for these views – Afterwards being troubled he dreamed – "He saw the whole earth decayed & yellow and crumbling - He spoke to the oak with its scarred leaf & said — "Who hath killed thee – Thou Said the oak! - & to a stone & the same answer "Thou hast killed me!– & the earth echoed the sound - & called upon him to "Give us back our God"– Our God - He answered – Have ye not matter & matter is eternal? – –The deep sighed & the pebble blushed for its eternity – Then the dreamer asked – "Then ye have the human spirit" - is not that enough - and they laughed him to scorn - then the darkness closed about him & he was insensible – Suddenly rays of light came - The whole earth assumed a living - talking brilliance - I came - and His mother came and touched him & said & My child "These are God's As Written: Gods witnesses" – will you promise me never to defy or forsake As Written: for sake your God? – Yes said the child and he wakened with face suffused with tears -

So beautiful this seemed to me of the unreality of matter - &c that you must forgive me for my desire to tell it to you — I found another remarkably beautiful item in Scottish ChiefsEditorial Note: The Scottish Chiefs, an historical novel by Jane Porter (1776-1850), first published in 1810. – Shall I sometime As Written: some-time copy & send it to you -

Forgive these transgressions upon your valuable time and assure me if I burden you –

Love to our dear Teacher – And with Sisterly Affection
I am Mrs J. H. Bell

We will be so happy to get the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy — I anticipate rare enjoyment and improvement from them –

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I am so sorry I was misinformed about the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy - I ordered just as a Student told me - Of course the value of the books cannot be measured - I beg you to excuse me and send the 2 doz sets first - keep the rest of the money for another order - & when these are sent out you can forward more - Send me 1 doz of the pamphlets you spoke of The Historical Sketch - If I encumber you or Mrs. Eddy with writing please to chide me and all will be well —

A remarkable item came to my notice in Sweedish Corrected: Swedish History of "Times of Linnaeus by TobeliousEditorial Note: The Surgeon’s Stories: Times of Linnaeus by Zacharias (Zachris) Topelius - In 17th Century A young Nobleman eighteens Corrected: eighteen years old was called into a disputation at Theological institution - "Subject Ontological Proof of God's existance Corrected: existence " - He denounced Theology & Clamed Corrected: Claimed God would be found out by demonstration – He was expelled from Institution in disgrace for not apologizing for these views – Afterwards being troubled he dreamed – "He saw the whole earth decayed & yellow and crumbling - He spoke to the oak with its scarred leaf & said — "Who hath killed thee – Thou Said the oak! - & to a stone & the same answer "Thou hast killed me!– & the earth echoed the sound - & called upon him to "Give us back our God"– Our God - h He answered – Have ye not matter & matter is eternal? – –The deep sighed & the pebble blushed for its eternity – Then the dreamer asked – "Then ye have the human spirit" - is not that enough - and they laughed him to scorn - then the darkness closed about him & he was insensible – Suddenly rays of light came - The whole earth assumed a living - talking brilliance - I came - and His mother came and touched him & said & My child "These are Gods Corrected: God's witnesses" – will you promise me never to defy or for sake Corrected: forsake your God? – Yes said the child and he wakened with face suffused with tears -

So beautiful this seemed to me of the unreality of matter - &c that you must forgive me for my desire to tell it to you — I found another remarkably beautiful item in Scottish ChiefsEditorial Note: The Scottish Chiefs, an historical novel by Jane Porter (1776-1850), first published in 1810. – Shall I some-time Corrected: sometime copy & send it to you -

Forgive these transgressions upon your valuable time and assure me if I burden you –

Love to our dear Teacher – And with Sisterly Affection
I am Mrs J. H. Bell

We will be so happy to get the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy — I anticipate rare enjoyment and improvement from them –

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Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy The Surgeon’s Stories: Times of Linnaeus by Zacharias (Zachris) Topelius The Scottish Chiefs, an historical novel by Jane Porter (1776-1850), first published in 1810. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy