Accession: 947.93.068
Editorial Title: Zoe Seymour Loveland to Editor of Christian Science Journal, February 6, 1886
Author: Zoe Seymour Loveland 
Recipient: Editor of Christian Science Journal 
Date: February 6, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Zoe Seymour Loveland on lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Editor of Christian Science JournalEditorial Note: James Henry Wiggin served on and off as editor of The Christian Science Journal from 1886 to 1889. Because Loveland addresses “Madam” below however, she may have been referring to Sarah H. Crosse, who is listed in the February 1886 issue as the Journal's publisher and manager. The February 1886 issue did not have an editor listed..
Dear MadamEditorial Note: This may be a reference to Sarah H. Crosse, who is listed in the February 1886 issue as the Journal's publisher and manager..

Some five or six weeks ago I enclosed sixty centsEditorial Note: $.60 in 1886 is the equivalent of $16.52 in 2020. worth of stamps in a letter and forwarded them to you, wishing to subscribe for six months for the abovenamedAs Written:above named journal and also have sent to me the pamphlet entitled "The History of Metaphysical Science" by Mrs. Eddy, supposing the journal to be fifty centsEditorial Note: $.50 in 1886 is the equivalent of $13.77 in 2020. for six months and the pamphlet but tenEditorial Note: $.10 in 1886 is the equivalent of $2.75 in 2020..

I have received neither paper, or pamphlet, or word of any kind as to whether the stamps were correct as to amount of currency or whether they would be received as such. I am a poor woman and the loss of sixty centsEditorial Note: $.60 in 1886 is the equivalent of $16.52 in 2020. is considerable to me. Hoping to hear soon as to whether my communications have reached you I remain

Very truly yours
Zoe Seymour Loveland
Address, 26, 29th Street
Chicago, IllinoisAs Written:Ill.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Editor of Christian Science JournalEditorial Note: James Henry Wiggin served on and off as editor of The Christian Science Journal from 1886 to 1889. Because Loveland addresses “Madam” below however, she may have been referring to Sarah H. Crosse, who is listed in the February 1886 issue as the Journal's publisher and manager. The February 1886 issue did not have an editor listed..
Dear MadamEditorial Note: This may be a reference to Sarah H. Crosse, who is listed in the February 1886 issue as the Journal's publisher and manager..

Some five or six weeks ago I enclosed sixty centsEditorial Note: $.60 in 1886 is the equivalent of $16.52 in 2020. worth of stamps in a letter and forwarded them to you, wishing to subscribe for six months for the above namedCorrected:abovenamed journal and also have sent to me the pamphlet entitled "The History of Metaphysical Science" by Mrs. Eddy, supposing the journal to be fifty centsEditorial Note: $.50 in 1886 is the equivalent of $13.77 in 2020. for six months and the pamphlet but tenEditorial Note: $.10 in 1886 is the equivalent of $2.75 in 2020..

I have received neither paper, or pamphlet, or word of any kind as to whether the stamps were correct as to amount of currency or whether they would be received as such. I am a poor woman and the loss of sixty centsEditorial Note: $.60 in 1886 is the equivalent of $16.52 in 2020. is considerable to me. Hoping to hear soon as to whether my communications have reached you I remain

Very truly yours
Zoe Seymour Loveland
Address, 26, 29th Street
Chicago, Ill.Expanded:Illinois
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James Henry Wiggin served on and off as editor of The Christian Science Journal from 1886 to 1889. Because Loveland addresses “Madam” below however, she may have been referring to Sarah H. Crosse, who is listed in the February 1886 issue as the Journal's publisher and manager. The February 1886 issue did not have an editor listed. This may be a reference to Sarah H. Crosse, who is listed in the February 1886 issue as the Journal's publisher and manager. $.60 in 1886 is the equivalent of $16.52 in 2020. $.50 in 1886 is the equivalent of $13.77 in 2020. $.10 in 1886 is the equivalent of $2.75 in 2020. $.60 in 1886 is the equivalent of $16.52 in 2020.