Accession: 952.93.051
Editorial Title: Electa R. Sweezey to Sarah H. Crosse, January 15, 1886
Author: Electa R. Sweezey 
Recipient: Sarah H. Crosse 
Date: January 15, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Electa R. Sweezey on lined paper from Topeka, Kansas.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

About Christmas I sent to Calvin. A, Frye One dollar & 70/100Editorial Note: $1.70 in 1886 is the equivalent of $46.81 in 2020. for the Christian Science Journal also, The People's God, Christian Healing, Historical Sketch of Metaphysical Healing and Defence of Christian Science not knowing at the time but he was the one to send toAs Written:too. I have receivedAs Written:rec'd no Journal nor any, Thinking perhaps As Written: prehaps by writing direct to you now it might be the means of rectifying As Written: rectifing my mistake. Hoping that I may receive the books not a very distant date I am

Yours most Respectfully
Mrs E. R. Sweesey
# 126 Van Buren St

Nota BeneAs Written:N. B. I sent a postal note

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

About Christmas I sent to Calvin. A, Frye One dollar & 70/100Editorial Note: $1.70 in 1886 is the equivalent of $46.81 in 2020. for the Christian Science Journal also, The People's God, Christian Healing, Historical Sketch of Metaphysical Healing and Defence of Christian Science not knowing at the time but he was the one to send tooCorrected:to. I have rec'dExpanded:received no Journal nor any, SThinking prehaps Corrected: perhaps by writing direct to you now it might be the means of rectifing Corrected: rectifying my mistake. Hoping that I may receive the books not a very distant date I am

Yours most Respectfully
Mrs E. R. Sweesey
# 126 Van Buren St

N. B.Expanded:Nota Bene I sent a postal note

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$1.70 in 1886 is the equivalent of $46.81 in 2020.