Accession: A10004
Editorial Title: Woman's Rights
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 6, 1876
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy.
Editorial Note: This document is a draft of Eddy's poem, "Woman's Rights." See page 21 of Eddy's Poems to read the published version.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Woman's RightsMary Baker Eddy, Poems21:1Grave on her monumental pile:
 She won from vice, by virtue’s
 Her dazzling crown, her sceptered
21:6Affection’s wreath, a happy home;
 The right to worship deep and pure,
 To bless the orphan, feed the poor;
21:9Last at the cross to mourn her Lord,
 First at the tomb to hear his word:
 To fold an angel’s wings below;
21:12And hover o’er the couch of woe;
 To nurse the Bethlehem babe so sweet,
 The right to sit at Jesus’ feet;
21:15To form the bud for bursting bloom,
 The hoary head with joy to crown;
 In short, the right to work and pray,
21:18“To point to heaven and lead the way.”
 Lynn, Mass., May 6, 1876.
Editorial Note: A10004 is a draft of Eddy's poem "Woman's Rights," published on page 21 of Poems.

Be this her power and woman's wile To win from vice with virtue's smile Her dazzling crown, her sceptered As Written: sceptred throne Affection's wreath a happy home If slander strives to soil her name Let not its taint her being stain If falsehood strikes a blow more sure Her right is to be true and pure

To heal the sick to lift the weak To feed the poor the orphan seek To sing the Bethlehem babeEditorial Note: Jesus Christ to sleep Last at the cross to wait and weep

To form the bud for bursting bloom The hoary head with joy to crown In short, the right to work and pray "To point to heaven and lead the way"

If slander seeks to soil thy name Let not its taint thy being stain If falsehood strikes As Written: striks its aim more sure Thy right is to be true and pure

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Woman's RightsMary Baker Eddy, Poems21:1Grave on her monumental pile:
 She won from vice, by virtue’s
 Her dazzling crown, her sceptered
21:6Affection’s wreath, a happy home;
 The right to worship deep and pure,
 To bless the orphan, feed the poor;
21:9Last at the cross to mourn her Lord,
 First at the tomb to hear his word:
 To fold an angel’s wings below;
21:12And hover o’er the couch of woe;
 To nurse the Bethlehem babe so sweet,
 The right to sit at Jesus’ feet;
21:15To form the bud for bursting bloom,
 The hoary head with joy to crown;
 In short, the right to work and pray,
21:18“To point to heaven and lead the way.”
 Lynn, Mass., May 6, 1876.
Editorial Note: A10004 is a draft of Eddy's poem "Woman's Rights," published on page 21 of Poems.

Be this a her power power and woman's wile To win from vice with virtue's smile Her dazzling crown, her sceptred Corrected: sceptered throne Affection's wreath a happy home If slander seeks strives to soil her name Let not its taint her being stain If falsehood strikes a blow more sure Her right is to be Ttrue and pure

To fold quietly calm To heal the sick to lift the weak To feed the poor the orphan seek To sing the Bethlehem babeEditorial Note: Jesus Christ to sleep Last at the cross to watch wait and weep

To form the bud for bursting ripening bloom The hoary head with joy to crown In short, the right to work and pray "To point to heaven and lead the way"

If slander seeks thy name to soil thy name Let not its taint thy being stain If falsehood striks Corrected: strikes its aim more sure Thy right is to be true and pure

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A10004 is a draft of Eddy's poem "Woman's Rights," published on page 21 of Poems. Jesus Christ