Accession: A10078
Editorial Title: Mental Healing
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: unknown
Manuscript Description: Handwritten in both pen and pencil by Mary Baker Eddy.
Editorial Note: This address may have been an early lecture, which Mary Baker Eddy sometimes gave in her own home or in those of her students.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

SubjectAs Written:Sub.

Mental Healing

When last I addressed you my SubjectAs Written:Sub. was Science its genesis tendencies and potency To-night I present you one of the subdivisions of Science which I shall take for my subjectAs Written:sub namely

Mental Healing

Along the dim posterns of the past, recedingAs Written:receeding from mortal footprints melting into themist of remoteness & down the track of centuries permeating all space bursting into the palpitating present is Mind resistlessAs Written:resistles in might, more than regal in majesty undisturbed and alone in its own infinite all

We shall divide our subject into into two classes of Mental Healing viz. — Scientific and unscientific

1st The former or scientific is the understanding of the Divine Principle and obedience to the divine rules of Mind [?] Unclear or illegible  its Principle class of healing is gov erned is God the perfect Omnipotent and eternal Mind (Revere accident)

2ndAs Written:2ond. The unscientific we subdivide into the faith cures the action of mind that has the spirit but not the letter of Science The will-cure the action of mind through will-power or mesmerism

(Mrs. Curtice)

We have come at this period to grapple with a momentous question one that we shall present you to-night namely The Science of Mental Healing that brings to light the radical nature of Truth universal harmony Spirit's entirety and the nonexistence of matter I have before trembled at the task of pioneering this question infinite and yet so great was the mortal need it impells me to touch reverently this problem of time and eternity with the simple hope of presenting a tithe of its magnitude and adaptationAs Written:daptation to human

MentalScience unfolds to man's comprehension fact 1st That Mind is Omnipotent

2ndAs Written:2ond That perfection is the rule of being

3 That science includes no imperfection

Mind is OmnipotentAs Written:Ompotent for Deity is Mind and this Mind termed God of the Hebrew which is good is the Principle and basis of Mental Science All mental methods of treating disease are by no means science

The mental methods of healing admit of as great a departure from science as do other modes of medicine

The faith cure is founded on faith and faith is not science. for science is predicated of understanding The will-cure is based on human will a depraved quality of mortal mind and is mesmerism a diabolical error obsolete in science

Mental Science is based upon and governed by the one perfect named God its Principle is divine and the science is governed by this Principle

The Science Of Mental Healing

Great epochsAs Written:ephocs begin with the appearing of a great Truth He who studies life aright never sneers at abstractions the unseen Principle of things But proportionately as he sees the unseen even the permanenceAs Written:permance of harmony health and happiness he discerns the next great fact of mental Science namely, the transitoriness yea the unreality of discord sickness and sorrow and build a befitting shrine for his own divinity a healthy body to suit a healthy mind

Then life and its surroundings become a solid fact a stubbornAs Written:stuborn something amid these transitory nothings and the gossamerAs Written:gosamere thread of Metaphysics unraveled by Science is no longer a fine-spun tangle fragil or obscure but strengthens as mind in the ratio that it disappears as matter and become the twisted cordage of invulnerable resistanceAs Written:resistence with which our blessed Lord the Master Metaphysician drove out the seats of money changersJohn 2:13 ¶And the Jews’ passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem, John 2:14 And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: John 2:15 And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables; the traffickersAs Written:traficers in things without substance without the realities of Truth and science

If in his search after what we term physical man omits the weightierAs Written:weighter matter of Mind in her causative realm of science and regards life and its needs objectively he loses the substance of himself can never take reigns of governmentAs Written:goverment over his own body and if plump as a stalled fatling would be lean as a wired skeleton and if wealthy as a South sea dream would be poorer than Lazarus at the gate The world is full of spectral forms of nothingness that should become ghosts before they vanish from sight

Let us consider the science of Mind that translates thing into thought and so makes man a creator in co-partnership with his divine Principle Deity

(What is science) (its moral status) (Its physical phenomena

The classification of Mental Healing


Like severing the fibrous sap-roots of a giant tree a blight falls upon it the leaves look sickly the branches shrink and wither it can no longer wrestle proudly with the storm and it falls crashing before the blast or remains to rot and molderAs Written:moulder into oblivion by the more direful visitations of decay


Understanding the radical infinite truth of being Mind engirdles men for Kingly offices puts on the spiritual armor and ThummimAs Written:ThumimEditorial Note: In ancient Israel, the Thummim, along with the Urim, were on the breastplate or “apron” of high priests. They were used for divination. Eddy defines "Thummim" on page 595 of Science and Health as, "Perfection; the eternal demand of divine Science" and explains, "The Urim and Thummim, which were to be on Aaron's breast when he went before Jehovah, were holiness and purification of thought and deed, which alone can fit us for the office of spiritual teaching." She defines “Urim” on page 596 as “Light.” She continues: "The rabbins believed that the stones in the breastplate of the high-priest had supernatural illumination, but Christian Science reveals Spirit, not matter, as the illuminator of all. The illuminations of Science give us a sense of the nothingness of error, and they show the spiritual inspiration of Love and Truth to be the only fit preparation for admission to the presence and power of the Most High." to go before the ShekinahEditorial Note: Shekinah is a Hebrew word meaning “settling” or “dwelling.” In ancient Israel it was used to denote the presence of God settling or dwelling in the Temple at Jerusalem. begirt with omnipotence.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library


Mental Healing

When last I addressed you my Sub.Expanded:Subject was Science its genesis tendencies and potency To-night I present you one of the subdivisions of Science and which I shall take for my Corrected:subject namely

Mental Healing

Again we shall subdiviseCorrected:subdivide this grou Wit Along the dim posterns of the past, receedingCorrected:receding from human mortal footprints until it melteth into melting into themist of remoteness is Mind; & down the track of centuries permeating all space bursting into the palpitating present is Mind resistlesCorrected:resistless in might, more than regal in majesty and n undisturbed and alone in its own infinite all

Again We shall will sub divide our subject into into two classes of Mental Healing viz. — Scientific and unscientific

1st The former or scientific wrought is the understanding of the Divine Principle and obedience to the divine rules of Mind [?] Unclear or illegible  its Principle class of healing is gov that governed it is God the the perfect and Omnipotent and eternal Mind (Revere accident)

2ond.Original:2nd On The unscientific we [?] Unclear or illegible  we and its subdiviisionsde into the faith cures the action of mind that has the spirit but not the letter of Science The will mesExpanded:mesmerism Belief cures The will-cure the action of mind through will-power or mesmerism

(Mrs. Curtice)

Friends, we have tonight We have come at this period to grapple with a momentous subject question one that we shall present you to-night namely The Science of Mental Healing that brings to light the radical nature of Truth universal harmony Spirit's entirety and the nonexistence of matter I have before trembled at the task of pioneering this question infinite and yet so great was our finite the mortal need it has impellds me to touch reverently this the problem of time and eternity with the simple hope of presenting a tithe of its magnitude and daptationCorrected:adaptation to human wants

We learn in of mental The Science of mental Healing is stated MentalScience unfolds to man's comprehension the great fact 1st That Mind is Omnipotent

2ondOriginal:2nd That perfection is the rule of being

3 That perfection has never was never been lost in s

3 That science includes no imperfection


Mind is OmpotentCorrected:Omnipotent for Deity is Mind and this Mind termed God of the Hebrew which is good is the Principle and basis of Mental Science but All All [?] Unclear or illegible  mental methods of treating disease are by no means science

The mental methods of healing admit of as great a departure from science as do other modes of medicine

The faith cure is founded on faith and faith is not science. The will cure for science is predicated of understanding The will-cure is based on human will a depraved quality of mortal mind and is mesmerism that a diabolical error which is obsolete in science That with the living

Mental Science is based upon and governed by the one perfect named God The only mental method of treating disease in science the unerring Mind its Principle is divine and the science is governed by this Principle

The Science Of Mental Healing

Great ephocsCorrected:epochs begin with the appearing of a great Truth He who studies life aright never sneers at abstractions or the unseen Principle of things But proportionately as he sees the permanence of the unseen even the permanceCorrected:permanence of harmony health and happiness does he discerns the next great fact of mental Science namely, the transitoriness yea the unreality of discord sickness and sorrow and build a befitting shrine for his own divinity a healthy body to suit a healthy mind

Then life and its surroundings become a solid fact a stubornCorrected:stubborn something amid these transitory nothings The and the gosamereCorrected:gossamer thread tangle thread of Metaphysics understood in unraveled by its Science is no longer a fine-spun tangle fragility or obscure but strengthens as mind in the ratio that it loses disappears as matter and become the twisted cordage of invulnerable resistenceCorrected:resistance with which our our blessed Lord the great Master Metaphysician drove out the seats of money changersJohn 2:13 ¶And the Jews’ passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem, John 2:14 And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: John 2:15 And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables; the traficersCorrected:traffickers in things without substance without the realities of Truth and science

If in his search after what we termed physical man omits the weighterCorrected:weightier matter of Mind in her causative realm of science and regards things life and its needs objectively he loses the substance of himself can never take reigns of govermentCorrected:government over his own body and if plump as a stalled fatling would be lean as a wired skeleton and if wealthy as a South sea dream would be poorer than Lazarus at the gate The world is full of spectral forms of nothingness that should become ghosts before they vanish from sight

Let us consider the science of Mind that translates thing into thought and so makes man a creator in co-partnership with his divine Principle Deity

(What is science) (its the moral status) (Its physical phenomena

What is the difference between the science of mental healing The classification of Mental Healing
Would be poor and if plump as the stalled fatling would be lean as the wired skeleton


Like severings the fibrous sap-roots of a giant tree a blight falls upon it the leaves look sickly the branches shrink and wither it can no longer wrestle proudly with the storm and it falls crashing before the blast or remains to rot and moulderCorrected:molder into oblivion by the more direful visitations of decay


Understanding the sustaining radical infinite of truth of being Mind engirdles men for Kingly offices puts on the spiritual armor and ThumimCorrected:ThummimEditorial Note: In ancient Israel, the Thummim, along with the Urim, were on the breastplate or “apron” of high priests. They were used for divination. Eddy defines "Thummim" on page 595 of Science and Health as, "Perfection; the eternal demand of divine Science" and explains, "The Urim and Thummim, which were to be on Aaron's breast when he went before Jehovah, were holiness and purification of thought and deed, which alone can fit us for the office of spiritual teaching." She defines “Urim” on page 596 as “Light.” She continues: "The rabbins believed that the stones in the breastplate of the high-priest had supernatural illumination, but Christian Science reveals Spirit, not matter, as the illuminator of all. The illuminations of Science give us a sense of the nothingness of error, and they show the spiritual inspiration of Love and Truth to be the only fit preparation for admission to the presence and power of the Most High." that to go before the ShekinahEditorial Note: Shekinah is a Hebrew word meaning “settling” or “dwelling.” In ancient Israel it was used to denote the presence of God settling or dwelling in the Temple at Jerusalem. begirt with omnipotence.

Science the obstacles it meets Mental Healing the different kinds

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In ancient Israel, the Thummim, along with the Urim, were on the breastplate or “apron” of high priests. They were used for divination. Eddy defines "Thummim" on page 595 of Science and Health as, "Perfection; the eternal demand of divine Science" and explains, "The Urim and Thummim, which were to be on Aaron's breast when he went before Jehovah, were holiness and purification of thought and deed, which alone can fit us for the office of spiritual teaching." She defines “Urim” on page 596 as “Light.” She continues: "The rabbins believed that the stones in the breastplate of the high-priest had supernatural illumination, but Christian Science reveals Spirit, not matter, as the illuminator of all. The illuminations of Science give us a sense of the nothingness of error, and they show the spiritual inspiration of Love and Truth to be the only fit preparation for admission to the presence and power of the Most High." Shekinah is a Hebrew word meaning “settling” or “dwelling.” In ancient Israel it was used to denote the presence of God settling or dwelling in the Temple at Jerusalem.