David, The Hebrew bard, sang “How manifold are thy works O, Lord In wisdom hast thou made them all the earth is full of thy riches”Ps 104:24 O Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches. . Job said, “He stretcheth out the North over the empty place he hangeth the earth on nothing”Job 26:7 He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing. That was a simple and grand statement of the supremacy of Spirit We know His law governs all that is and that which is not governed by God, is not. We know it dropeth from the diadem of the year the emerald spring at the return of the vernal equinox. Inspires the voices of nature with melody sweeter than a lay along the moon-lit lake or the sound of vintage bells from the villages on the Rhine. Without its notice not a sparrow falleth or a spray buddeth within the vale or a star is lost from the brow of night; beauty, and balm, sunshine, and song, wait upon this law; it bringeth the leaves to clothe the tree's nakedness and the blossoms to feed the bee --
The testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simplePs 19:7 The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. the law of the Lord . is merciful, gentle as the dove whose wafting wing ransomed from the waters the green leaf and held it aloft on Mt Ararat a banner of peace The law of God is just it will by no means clear the guilty though its sentences be delayed in wisdom it is sure
The material symbols of justice are the lurid lightening darting athwart the cloud to descend and rend in pieces the rock. The [?] Unclear or illegible Wind sweeping the desolate plain snapping the chords of matter and toying with the mad wave. The mighty deep swallowing up fleets remorselessly twisting as a twig the strong iron bounding, lashing, foaming and breaking in wrath upon the lone shore. -- The ten commandments are a perfect digest of wisdom they contain the moral code of Deity of Spirit, -- they present the demands of justice. The sermon on the Mt. Presents the spiritual code or the beatitudesAs Written:beattitudes of mercy Justice and mercy join hands in the law of God the law of Life Truth and Love The law of man is oftentimes mistaken for the law of God but the difference betweenAs Written:betwen the two is very marked The law of God is proceeds from the unerring Mind from Truth and Love it is a spiritual law and governs idea and not belief The law of man proceeds from the erring and mortal mind and is material in its origin action and results and governs belief instead of idea
There is in reality but one mind and in reality there is no matter but to be better comprehended we call that which errs mind and we name this so-called mind matter as well.
God's law is Truth and it punishes error only and it never pardons it. Man's supposed law is error and it punishes good the same as evil.
Let free from the chaos of mortal misjudgmentAs Written:misjudgement the law of God will again be heard from the summitAs Written:sumit of Soul in sermons of thunder that shall awaken the dead the belief buried in matter The centuries shall declare it The supremacy of mind shall be acknowledged It utters its voice in the hush of eventide when the twilight shadows give room for reflection in the cool calm of the noonday understanding and in the still small voice that casts out error and heals the sick