Ephe 4th 5thEph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
One Lord One faith One baptism As Written: babtism Eph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
Every step of progress is a step more spiritual, The great element of reform is not born of human wisdom it draws not its Life from human organizations, rather is it the crumbling away of material elements from thoughts and things, the translation of matter back to its original language, mind, and the final unity of man and God. The footsteps of thought as they pass from the sensual side of existence to the reality and Soul of being are slow, portending a long night to the travelerAs Written:traveller, but the guardians of that night, the angels of His presence impart a solemn grandeur to the intellectual wrestlings, and collisions As Written: colisions as we drift into more spiritual latitudes. The beatings of our heart are heard, but the ceaseless As Written: ceasless throbbing As Written: throbings and throes of thought are unheard and the sharp separation between material and spiritual existence disappears with the understanding that we are spiritual beings here capable of all good which is the true glory of immortality. The improved theory and practice of religion and of medicine are mainly due to the peoples improved views of the Supreme Being As the finite and personal sense of Deity, based on material conceptions of spiritual being, yield their grosser elements, we shall learn what God is and what God does. I like the Hebrew term that gives another letter to the word God and makes it good for this unites science and ChristianityAs Written:christianity, whereby we learn that God, good, is a Principle instead of a person and this Principle can be learned in metaphysical science, — learned through mind instead of matter of Soul instead of sense and by revelation supporting reason. The false conceptions of Deity based upon the evidences of the senses made their God in all ages shockingly material either of wood and stone or of tyrannyAs Written:tyrany and revenge and wrought the fall of men and empires in demonical contests over religions. In proportion as the people's God was dematerialized, and impersonalized it became God, and not a personal tyrant or a molten As Written: moulten image and was the spiritual model of life Truth and Love; of Life without beginning or ending, Truth without a lapse into error, and Love universal infinite and eternal. This perfect model named God held constantly before the peoples mind has a benign and elevating influence upon the character of nations as well as individuals until it lifts them to the understanding that our ideals form our characters and as a man thinketh so is heProv 23:6 Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats: Prov 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. Prov 23:8 The morsel which thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up, and lose thy sweet words. The ideals of ecclesiastical Theology have made tyrants and monsters of men; and the ideals of materia medica have made helpless invalids and deformities of men. The eternal roasting amidst noxious vapors, the election of the minority to be saved and the majority damned the wrath of God appeased by the sacrifice As Written: sacrifise and tortures of a favorite son yea the grand realities they made of evil, sin, sickness and death and their faint and timid conceptions of Life Truth and Love made a mysterious God and natural devil that deluged the earth with blood Would another material flood efface the dire effects of false systems? No! But the bow of omnipotence spans the heavens with light The more spiritual idea of Truth meets the material error like a promise upon the cloudGen 9:8 ¶And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying, Gen 9:9 And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you; Gen 9:10 And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you; from all that go out of the ark, to every beast of the earth. Gen 9:11 And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. Gen 9:12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: Gen 9:13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. Gen 9:14 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud: Gen 9:15 And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. Gen 9:16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth. Gen 9:17 And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth. and will transcribe the models of metaphysical science upon the minds of mortals. The theories of a personal God are based on finite premises they begin wrong to apprehend the infinite even the quality or quantity of good and this limited sense of God, good, limits thought and action assigns them fetters in the onset, and implantsAs Written:emplants in our religions a material shift, dependence As Written: dependance on pardon instead of perfection and impart to the systems of medicine nothing but materialism more faith in hygiene and drugs than in Deity. Idolatry grew out of the religious belief that God is a personality and disease originated in the belief that Spirit was materialized that God passed into man, mind entered matter —Soul entered man through his nostrilsGen 2:6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. Gen 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. , and matter became intelligent of good and evil, The good was supposed to be an individual God and the evil a personal satan and these two persons to form a third person or material man. Here you perceive their unspiritual and mysterious ideal of a triune God the glorious Trinity of Life Truth and Love found expression in a mortal man whom they would make by a mysterious interposition a personal triad in his image and likeness and through a miracle of grace make perhaps a christian by profession with beliefs well nigh as material as their pagan deities. Pagan priests inquired of their material gods how to doctor man and this was the origin of medicine, the false systems of religion and of medicine grew out of the false ideals of a supreme Being. ApolloAs Written:Appolo the god of medicine
Eschewing the history of religions material the apostle devoutlyAs Written:devoutely recommends spiritual Christianity even One Lord One faith One baptismEph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, . [*]Editorial Note: A metamark that looks like the letter X appears here. did the Apostle take away our Lord and we know not where they have laid him. in the text one Lord etc no friends no Into the cold silence and sepulchre of dogma and doctrine we look in vain for the right ideal but it is nigh even at our door Truth has not disappeared in the mists of remoteness or the barbarism of creeds The right ideal is not lost, but risen higher, and now is clad not in the sackcloth of the grave and wrapt in pale winding sheet to human conceptions but has risen with the form of an angel, and what are angels, but pure thoughts winged with the inspiration of Truth and Love thoughts inspired by God but not as a person but Principle and this angel is not a woman with wings on her back but a spiritual idea standing at the door of some sepulchre where an old belief has been buried, and it beckons you onward and upward where thought rises clad in new and more beautiful forms even our higher conceptions of Life and its continuance. These thoughts are white robed angels and they lead us away from the doctrinesAs Written:doctrins of a personal God, a personal good, to the Principle that is God, good, and the demonstration thereof in our lives and to heed in divine science and to heed these heavenly visitants is to entertain angels unawares. The egotistical religionist buries his Lord in matter and concludes that Truth results in error Life goes down in death and Love goes on in hate until a distant resurrection morn. Such is their model of deity and the final resurrection of good from evil Life from death when the ego or self existent matter shall be reanimated From such systems of religion and medicine we can but say in the language of the Episcopal service "good Lord deliver us" and quote from Dr. Oliver Wendel Holme's lecture in Harvard Medical school I firmly believe that if the whole materia medica could be sunk to the bottom of the sea it would be all the better for mankind and all the worse for the fishes; and from Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse I am sick of learned quackery, and from Dr. Abercrombie Fellow of the Royal College of physicians in EdinburghAs Written:Edingburgh, medicine is the science of guessing; and from Dr. James Johnson Surgeon Extraordinary to the King I declare my conscientious opinion found on long observation and reflection that if there was not a single physician, surgeon, apothecary, man-midwife, chemist, druggist, or drug on the face of the earth there would be less sickness and less mortality than now obtains. VoltaireAs Written:Voltare says the art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease. When we believe God a person instead of a Principle and man the victim of his maker we fear God more than we love Him whereas perfect Love castes out fearI John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. but when we learn that God is the Principle of all being and is Life Truth and Love we gain a new lease of Life that includes man's title to health happiness and longevity . Thus it is found out that a more spiritual and true ideal of Deity improves man physically and morally. God is no longer a mystery to the Christian As Written: christian ScientistAs Written:scientist but a Principle understood that destroys sin sickness and death Shall it be treason to divine decree to understand God? When the scriptures say acquaint now thyself with God and be at peace and should we know nothing of that for which we are commanded to leave all else? The minds ideals are all brought out upon the body. VaccinationAs Written:Vaxcination is one of them and acting from that ideal medical men employ the virus of a beast to preserve the status of a man [*]Editorial Note: A metamark that looks like the letter X appears here. Lady Wortley Montague introduced inoculation into England [*]Editorial Note: A metamark that looks like the letter X appears here. Lady in Lynn etherized [*]Editorial Note: A metamark that looks like the letter X appears here. Periods and peoples are characterized by their highest or their lowest ideals by their God and their devil Metaphysical or Divine science improves nations and individuals revealing and explainingAs Written:explaning the Principle that is God and destroying both the personality of good, and the personality of evil. Consciously or unconsciously we are all sculptors working out our own ideals leaving the impress of our thoughts written on marble, chiseling our models upon the minds and bodies around us Recognizing our responsibility we turn from marble to model examine the motives of our acts to beautify and exalt them, and from those object of sense called sickness and disease we appeal to mind to form upon its own body better delineations; and what is the model we find there, and what its effect upon the body discordant or harmonious accordingly as that model is spiritual or material [*]Editorial Note: A metamark that looks like the letter X appears here.
Because God is Spirit our model should be spiritual instead of material and to reach that model our methods must be growing spiritual our system of religion and medicine must be dematerializing to bring out the right ideals of mind and correct the Our material models make our bodies harmonious. [*]Editorial Note: A metamark that looks like the letter X appears here. If there enters into our ideal of God wrath and changeableness As Written: changableness that repenteth itself partiality that answers the prayer As Written: prayr of one and not another, incompetency that cannot heal the sick, unmercifulness that for the sins of a few tired years punishes man eternally, we shall bring out the results of our wrong ideals in
[*]Editorial Note: At this point, the text is interrupted by a poem and an order of service.
Chisel in hand stood a sculptor boy With his marble block before him And his face lit up with a smile of joy As an angel dream passed o're him He carved the dream on that shapeless stone With many a sharp incision With heavens own light the sculptor shone He had caught that angel vision Sculptors of Life are we as we stand With our lives uncarved before us Waiting the hour when at Gods command Our life dream passes o'er us. If we carve it then on the yielding stone With many a sharp incision Its heavenly beauty shall be our own Our lives that angel vision
⇉ Handshift:Mary Baker EddyRead
[*]Editorial Note: At this point the text resumes after the insertion of a poem and an order of service. ⇉ Handshift:Asa Gilbert Eddyour own lives and their influence upon others.
Judaism As Written: Judeaism
enjoining the limited and definite form of a national religion was not more the antithesis
Christianity As Written: christianity
than are our finite and material sense of Deity of Life which is God carried out in speculative theories on sanitary methods and means of religion. What
the doctor says and thinks of a case of disease influences the patients recovery more
than the drug or HygienicAs Written:Hygenic rule he prescribes. Believe it if you can understand if you will Mind is supreme and governs every action
of the internal visceraAs Written:visera as directly as it moves the muscles of the arm, when will the trembling chords of
hope be swept by the strong hand of science with its modern talitha cumi, damsel I say unto the ariseMark 5:41 And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha
cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise. ; and again light our sepulchres with immortality And when will the charred but uncremated fossils
of material religions and medicines disappear and mankind stop trusting where there is no trust, and gorging
faith with skill proved a million times unskillful One faith One God One
baptism As Written: babtism Eph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
is Christian ScienceAs Written:christian science, but that faith must be reposed in Spirit, not matter, and that baptism must be the tears of repentance
washing away the stains of sin. Laving the body in the serf of the sea may refresh the mind, but cannot purify it, washing its robes and making them white
in the blood of the Lamb, the Life of Truth and the Truth of Life. Having one Lord
we shall not be idolatersAs Written:idolators dividing our homage and obedience between matter and Spirit kneeling to ask a personal
savior to pardon the sin that deserves to be punished and will never be destroyed but through suffering
kneeling in prayerAs Written:prayr for the sick that God would raise him up then rising and
administering As Written: adminstering
the drug that supportsAs Written:suports the evidence of your faith The more spiritual metaphysics riseing above physics would heal the sick by denying the evidences of matter and overuling them with the higher and more potent evidences of man immortality and spirituality Nature and grace declare every step
of progress a step more spiritual Even The infinitesimalsAs Written:infinitismals of Homeopathy are improvements on the more material dose, steam is an improvement on water, the
essences are refinements having lost some materiality. Our nameless material theories grow vague under the microscope of metaphysics as we battle the cold night of physics. History should record it that Massachusetts succored a fugitive slave in 1853Editorial Note: Eddy is likely referring to a personal liberty law passed in Massachusetts, which
prohibited state officials from assisting in the capture or return of fugitive slaves. and put her humane foot upon a tyrannicalAs Written:tyranical
prohibitory As Written: pohibitory
law regulating the
practice As Written: practise
of medicine in 1880Editorial Note: Eddy is likely referring to a proposed medical licensure bill in Massachusetts, which
would have limited the practice of medicine to physicians licensed by an independent
state board. Homeopathy and eclectic medicine were included in the bill, along with
traditional medicine; however, such a bill would have limited the practice of Christian
Science. The bill was rejected in April 1880. It were well if her sister states had followed her example and sustained our constitutional
Bill of Rights permitting no departure from the immortal sentiment of Jefferson. Discerning
the rights of man Paul said "I was free born"Acts 22:28 And the chief captain answered, With a great sum obtained I this freedom. And Paul
said, But I was free born. justice and Truth make man free, injustice and error enslave him. Metaphysical science
grasps the standard of liberty and battles for man's divine rights It tells you of a verity that a belief and not a law has bound you that mind not matter has fettered your free limbs and marred the tablet of thoughts,
enfeebled As Written: enfebled
your body through your belief; That you possess your body and make it harmonious or discordant according to the images
of mind reflected upon it, you embrace the body in thought and should delineate that
thought in health and not disease that mind governs the body and matter holds it not in mystery and slavery apart from this government, that you the immortal have a perfect and divine form while you the mortal and suppositional are but the ghost of a man, ignorance fear and superstition create the body according to their belief If God has constituted material laws to govern man, which, disobeyed make him sick Christ or
Truth could not heal the sick in direct opposition to those laws, in defiance of,
insteadAs Written:insteat of consultation with the material condition. The enslavement of man is not legitimate
and will cease when our systems place power in the hands of mind instead of matter.
Legally abolishing slavery at the south was a good thing, but its virtual abolishment in mind is a more difficult task, but it must be done before slavery ceases. Mind must decide the question of right and wrong to destroy the motive or fear that enslaves man. The rights of man were vindicated but in a single instance when African slavery was abolished, but that instance was prophetic, a step towards the universal freedom of man, whereby he lays off the fetters of disease and learns his God-given rights. The voice of the abolitionist of African slavery echoed in our land when another abolitionist swelled the key-note to universal freedom and woman dared to ask that the fetters of sickness be stricken by mind from the body and man's freedom include more at the demand of a higher law even Spirit above matter, and the victory achieved not with bayonet and blood, not in human warfare, but divine peace. Above the platform of human rights we would build another staging for the divine claims, the supremacy of Soul over sense and not with code or creed but in demonstration of health happiness and the beauty of holiness. The lame, the deaf, the dumb, the blind, the sick the sensual, are slaves whose cankering fetters are gnawing away their hopes, chains clasped by the systems of our schools, and educated beliefs, that enforce yearly new forms of tyrannyAs Written:tyrany. These modern Pharaohs hold the children of Israel in bondage yet Mortals and mortal mind make the law that governs the body as directly as they make and pass a legislative act or a penal law and the body is obedient to the legislation and law of belief but the erring mortal thought misnames this law, ignorant of its own creations and calls it a law material. The legislators that enact all laws of health and sickness are doctors mistaken in their methods of humanity, chemist, botanist, pharmaceutist and druggist conspiring unwittingly against the liberty and Life of man. These mistaken philanthropists should listen to the higher law study the economy of this divine statute "I give you dominion over all the earth; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover". If there is a law of sin, sickness, and death it is not a law of matter it is a law of mortal mind and this law is an infringementAs Written:infringment upon the divine government that should be exposed disputed and trampled under foot of Truth even as an inhuman state law is dealt with. The rights of the slaves of sin and sickness should be vindicated by divine law and the sick taught their unacknowledged powers of mind to heal the body and the sinner shown his moral power to uplift himself and each to support his inalienable rights to a higher Life health and happiness on the basis of Truth, but not error. As our ideal of God advances we shall learn that God, good, heals the sick, that the divine law of Truth annuls the codes and creeds of error and metaphysics are an improvement upon physics. Life as God is a higher model than Life as matter and this better ideal brings out higher results. The personal God and material Life of theology, divide omnipotence between matter and Spirit and leaves healing to matter, as if God could not if He would or would not if he could give health to man, but bestows heaven more willingly, when there could be no heaven without health. The worshipers of wood and stone had a more material Deity, hence a lower order of humanity than the worshipers of a personal Spirit. But The worshipers of a personal God have a lower order of ChristianityAs Written:christianity than the demonstrators of the impersonal God even Truth Life and Love as in ChristianAs Written:christian ScienceAs Written:science that has but one God and the brotherhood of man in unity of process and oneness of Principle. On the startled ear of history still echo the iron tread of merciless invaders wringing from the lips of manhood shameful confessions kneeling at the feet of priestcraft in the weakness of a GalileoAs Written:Galalileo giving the lie to science But unlike the pious Polycarp upon whom they threatened to let looseAs Written:loos the wild beasts and he replied let them come I cannot change from good to bad" then they bound him to a stakeAs Written:steak set fire to the faggots and his pure thoughts and strong formed their higher ideals through the baptism of fire. The infidel was blind who said Christianity As Written: christianity is fit only for women and weak minded men; but infidels disagree. Bonaparte As Written: Bonnaparte said, "since ever the history of Christianity As Written: christianity , the loftiest intellects have had a practical faith in God". Daniel Webster said my heart has always assured and reassured me that Christianity As Written: christianity must be a divine reality". As our ideal of Deity becomes more spiritual we express it by things beautiful. In our cemeteriesAs Written:cenetries we clothe it with amaranthine blossoms, evergreen leaves, fragrant recesses, cool grottos, smiling fountains, and white monuments. The dismal gray stones of churchyards are allowed to crumble in decay as our ideals become more spiritual and in place of bat and owl on the bending stones are wreaths of immortalsAs Written:immortells and a white fingers pointing upward. Our ideals of divinity form our models of humanity. Saints have established One Lord, one faith one Baptism close In their lives martyrs have confirmed the higher ideal by willing deaths, Christian ScientistsAs Written:scientists have demonstrated it in Life without death, hypocritesAs Written:hypocrits have added strength to it by their betrayals, tyrants have purified it by their persecutions, infidels have consecrated it by their opposition, the arrows of its enemies have served for its protection, and the resistance As Written: resistence it has met from talent, wit, and clans has brought forth those illustrious and immortal defensesAs Written:defences which establish Truth on the basis of demonstration.