Accession: A10371B
Editorial Title: The People's God
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Scribe: Asa Gilbert Eddy 
Date: 1880 - archivist estimate
Manuscript Description: Handwritten draft of “The People’s Idea of God” on lined paper by Asa Gilbert Eddy with edits by Mary Baker Eddy.
Editorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy has added metamarks that look like Xs at several points throughout the document.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
The People's God
and its effect on health and morals

Eph 4th—5thEph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism"Eph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

Two weeks ago we alluded briefly to the therapeutics As Written: thereputics of Materia Medica, passing as it is at this period slowly but surely from matter to mind; losing somewhat of its barbarity year by year, laying aside measurably the lance and cautery, Spanish As Written: spanish flies, opium, croton oil, tartar emetic, calomel etc. yea, poisons within and without a man. Gladly observing that pathology has been divested somewhat of its cruder materiality as it has passed over the dismal swamp of experience, over the red sea of suffering, and into the promised land, into the sphere of mind, where healing is governed only by the censors of God having at last arrived at science, where it is diplomaed by the faculties of intellect and the moral and religious sentiments. Here history pauses -- for the Christian to seize this silent harp long hung upon the willows and sing the songs of Zion in Spirit; for how can he sing those songs ? in a strange land? The native clime of Christianity As Written: christianity is mind, mind with its immortal cravings, where God is a present help this is the fitting place for our labor and our song

Friends, so many are in doubt as to the exact meaning of the word Metaphysics, and because we style ChristianAs Written:christian healing Metaphysical healing, permit us to define this word as per authority of Webster. Metaphysics, "The Science of the Principles and causes of all things existing, hence the science of mind, or Intelligence." "Metaphysical Theology treats of the existence of God, His essence and attributes." Metaphysical Science will sooner or later define itself more widelyAs Written:widly It is making rapid strides, fulfilling the prophecy, lo! I come quickly and my reward is with me; and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out devils (error) they shall speak with new tongues and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt themMark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. . This new tongueMark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; is the spiritual definition of things, the translation from the thing, to the thought that produced it; casting out devils, signifies, Truth destroying error,yea the higher law asserting its rights above the lower law, the law of mind conquering the so called law of matter, and virtually annullingAs Written:annuling the law by showing its nothingness when we heal in opposition to that law. The immunityAs Written:imunity from deadly drugs is also seen through this processAs Written:proscess, and when healing cases of poisoning by Materia Medica One week ago today we briefly retraced in history the material footsteps of Theology and backward over the track of centuries marked the fall of men and empires in a demoniacal contest for creeds. Then refreshed by the opposite picture we noted the gradual de-materializing of religions and at every step the higher humanity that it evoked; thus all history depicts the blessings that distinguish a calmer and more Spiritual religion—

Today we shall briefly note the next great fact namely that the improved theory and practice of religion, and of medicine, are mainly due to the people's improved views of the Supreme Being And Due to the material element disappearing and the Spiritual element appearing, to physics going out and Metaphysics coming in, yea, to a Principle understood, taking the place of a person in our conceptions of Deity. These therefore are the signs of the times that betoken a restoration of the lost element of ChristianAs Written:christian healing, the spiritual signs that our Master bade his students observe when he told them, there should no other signs be given and Such signs illustrate the figure of the end of the world, the end of man’s As Written: mans enslavement by by sin sickness & death , We are learning that mind has certain inalienable rights among which is the right to govern matter learning that Omnipotent Mind governs all harmoniously hence the so-called mind of material man should gain this higer law that subjugates the law material. Mind is its own embodiment therefore it must govern its own body and according to its ignorance or understanding of the laws of mind will it govern it We are strangelyAs Written:strangly unconscious of what constitutes man's Being; while seeking for the cause of other effects and phenomena, we never ask what governs the phenomenon of man, and if the deathless principle called life ought indeed to disappear at the beck of matter.

The body is but a combination of forces, those forces are the animal intellectual and moral powers; that the body acts only in obedience to this power is proven,when mind has departed and the body is seen as matter to be sensationless, motionless, and inert; we know that not an organ acts, not a function is performed, a secretion or excretion goes on without mind to compell it; give then these forces of mind their proper stimuli of Truth and they would be found to go on harmoniously. A mind governed by Truth makes both a strong body, and mind, a prince among men, a free man and not a slave; yea it makes man the master of all error but not this king over beasts as the lion that shaking his proud maneAs Written:main, leaps in wild freedom to the forest. Instruct the latent powers of thought how to govern the body and longevity would go up an hundred per cent but Mind is proven the autocrat of the body when it even dares the dream of death for the waking waking certainty of life

[*]Editorial Note: A series of metamarks that looks like Xs appear at this point in the manuscript.

When I believed God a person instead of Principle, and was taught those doctrinesAs Written:doctrins of election, namely, that man is the victim of his Maker I feared God more than I loved Him. but when I learned that God is a Principle and this Principle is Love and Truth I became more the conscious child of God governed by Truth & and Love — then my health improved Thus it was found out that our higher and truer conceptions of Deity improve man physically as well as morally. This also is the Metaphysical Principle of "Christ casting out devils and healing the sickMatt 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. ," Truth casting out error and improv ing the health Also This first step in Metaphysical theology demonstrates to our understanding the effect on the body of the minds ideals.

We should never conclude that we ought to be ignorant of God as a mystery or that seeking the understanding of Him is impiety, when we are told that we should leave all for him of whomAs Written:whoom we know nothing and this is piety.

Periods and peoples are characterized by the views they entertain of God, for all admit that our highest ideals are our conceptions of Deity. These ideals then are our models, and if we are workers, we are bringing out our models; we cannot be wholly As Written: wholely idle, in one way or another, consciously or unconsciously we are sculptors, one mind touch ing another and chiseling out its model while it works at its own character indefatiguablyAs Written:indefatigueably Recognizing this, let us turn often from marble to model, from matter to Spirit, from the thing to the thought that has produced it.

God being Spirit, our model is spirit, and to reach that model our methods must be growing more spiritual; therefore our religion, and our modes of treating the sick will become more spiritual as we approximate As Written: aproximate to Spirit, God, and the right ideals are brought out Now Person is a limited ideal, a finite instead of an infinite model, therefore this model has not brought out the beautiful outlines and forms of ChristianityAs Written:christianity those truer conceptions of God, as the understanding of their Principle would have done and this is consistent when we remember that God is infinite Life, Truth, and Love.

If there enters into our ideal of God wrath that repenteth itself, partiality that bless one and not another, incompetence that cannot heal the sick unmercifulness that for the sins of

On the startled ear of time soundeth yet the iron tread, that march of merciless invaders, crushing the innocent and helpless, wringing from the lips of manhood at the feet of priestcraft shameful confessions like GalileoAs Written:Gallileo giving the lie to Truth

The distorted doctrines As Written: doctrins and opinions entertained of God have done more evil than history can record, and are still doing more at present than we are aware of --

Such false ideals of God caused the arrest and condemnation of Jesus, then washed the hands in water to cleanse their foul thoughts. Such ideals erected the Amphitheatres, at Rome threw the pious Ignatius to infuriated beasts, with read hot irons burned out the eyes of young Th ose worshippers of wood and stone had for their models of Deity matter only, hence their lower order of humanity, and the religious advancement of those worshipers of a less material God

Thus we learn that our thoughts and ideals concern us more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices, for they bring out their exact images on human character

Let us then make haste to have the joy advancing of right thoughts that tell of hours well spent and duties done. The God we understand does more for us than the God we do not understand even as to know the principle of a good deed enables us sooner and better to perform that deed. To understand God as the Principle of all men, would bring out the brotherhood of man in unity of process As Written: proscess and oneness of Principle. it would explain this scripture "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism"Eph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, .

The term Lord signifies in the scripture a divine Ruler, but the different doctrines As Written: doctorines apply this term to a personal Trinity, Father Son and Holy Ghost, three persons in one person. That Deity is a person is contradicted by the scriptures -- God is Love, and three persons in one is a heathen conception of Jehovah even let the figure appear before us and it would be thought monstrous. The effect of this error of belief, is to hide the Truth of Being, the Intelligence substance and Life that are God Faith is the scriptural term in the original text for trustworthiness, which implies Spiritual understanding, not a blind faith but the confidence we are entitled to feel in that Truth we can understand, and demonstrate healing the sick and casting out error. It is not a mere trust in what a person has done or will do for us, but a cheerful confidence in the Divine Principle that teaches us how to work for our self. Again this Principle named God is a Trinity, the three in one, a Divine triad of Life, Truth and Love the = Life which is eternal the Love that is universal. the Truth without an error If we conform to this Divine model we are safe, as a nation, as peoples, as individuals. [*]Editorial Note: A metamark that looks like an X appears at this point in the manuscript. The rite of baptism our best biblical scholars consider symbolical and not a saving ordinance; the application of water by submerging is intended only to represent the baptism of Spirit, the purification by Truth. John the Baptist said, I indeed baptize As Written: baptise you with water, but he that cometh after me shall baptize As Written: baptise you with the holy ghost, and with fireMatt 3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: . This figure was to show that the baptism of John was the opposite to that of Jesus the one being material, the other Spiritual, even as water and fire are opposites, also that the results of these different baptisms were as remote as their methods. The design of one is to give us an understand of God and to find all being in Him because the Divine Principle is the only Life, Substance and Intelligence The cleansing by water typifies a personal pardon and how can an evil motive or affection, malice or hypocrisy, be purified by a pardon? our magistrates pardon criminals but that pardon has not reformed them. I think it would even encourage crime if the criminal deserved punishment to pardon him, and if the sin is destroyed it needs no pardon. This question the scriptures dispose of -- we learn there the axe must be laid at the root of the tree and cut down all that bringeth not forth good fruits; certainly that did not mean to pardon sin, it demanded the utter destruction of sin. Here let us say, the only possible method for eradicating all evil is obedience to Truth, it is Metaphysics, it begins in mind, and confin es our method to mind, and bring s out the results on the body morally and physically yea it is practice more than profession.

[*]Editorial Note: A series of metamarks that looks like Xs appear at this point in the manuscript.

As our ideal of Deity becomes more true, we express it in things more beautiful, we clothe it in our cemeteriesAs Written:cemetries with amaranthine blossoms, and evergreen leaves, with white monuments, fragrant recesses, cool grottoes, smiling fountains, birds and song. The dismal gray stones of the old church yards are left to decay as our ideals of God and immortality grow brighter, the bat and owl on the bending stones are left out, and a wreath of immortalsAs Written:immortells, and a white finger pointing upward cheer that resting place.[*]Editorial Note: A metamark that looks like an X appears at this point in the manuscript.

Let us be patient, the winds of centuries sweep As Written: sweap clean, we are moving As Written: movving onward, but Alas ! How slowly; let us then quicken our pace, the call are imperativeAs Written:imperitive, the morals of society need to be better the sick look up beseechingly, the mourners go about the streets and is there nothing to do? Or are we busy? Then what is that labor? in what direction are we working? God and His idea are with us now, as in centuries past, when Jesus walked the earth; the same might of mind is ever present, and this mental power is able now as ever to speak as one having authority. Wherefore then should this slumbering ChristianAs Written:christian energy be deemed a Sampson shorn of its might and a Pilate and Herod be joining hands to slay it Shall mind that links us to Deity be chained or deemed weak? Should a recording angel write, the voice of many waters declare, and the thunders of Sinai join the chorus, would they quicken the dull sense? and would you catch the vibrations of Truth and join the company of healers in the march of Christian Science? Would mankind waken were the soft cadence of thanksgivings thrilled by the Master Metaphysician and the trembling cords of hope swept by his strong hand to send back the Talitha cumi Damsel I say unto the ariseMark 5:41 And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha
cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise.

the fact remains true that mind is Supreme and governs every action of the body from the brains finest tissues, to the toes.

The scientific facts of Metaphysical healing are not at the mercy of a belief, or unbelief, they stand accredited today by hundreds who have tested and proved them Through the mighty power of mind armed with the Truth of mans being more good can be done and is being done than you have the faintest idea of When pitiless drugs have proved incompetent Mind has healed the most complicated and difficult chronic and acute diseases It is a false system that fastens disease in mind and then fights it with matter to get it out of mind. We know that without mind a muscle could not moveAs Written:moove, the heart palpitate, or the blood circulate; matter the non-intelligentAs Written:nonintelligent has not the ability to moveAs Written:moove the harp of many strings.

We shall all be well and reach the age of the antediluvian As Written: antedeluvians , and balance the beam of being on the side of Immortality, when we understand the ability of mind, what it can do and how it does it, and we shall then loseAs Written:loose all faith in or fear of matter The effect of mind is evident, out of this fountain has preceded As Written: preceeded all and Our ideals of Divinity have formed our models of humanity or inhumanity.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
The People's God
and its effect on health and morals

Eph 4th—5thEph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism"Eph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

Two weeks ago we alluded briefly to the thereputics Corrected: therapeutics of Materia Medica, passing as it is at this period slowly but surely from matter to mind; losing somewhat of its barbarity year by year, laying aside measurably the lance and cautery, spanish Corrected: Spanish flies, opium, croton oil, tartar emetic, and calomel etc. yea, poisons within and without a man. Gladly we discover observing that pathology has been divested somewhat of its cruder materiality as it has passed over the dismal swamp of experience, and over the red sea of suffering, and into the promised land, into the sphere of mind, where healing is governed only by the Scensors of God having at last arrived at science, where it is diplomaed by the faculties of intellect and the moral and religious sentiments. Joyfully again God's people heal the sick Here history pauses -- for the Christian to seize theiris silent harps long hung upon the willows and waken familiar strains familiar as he sings the as then sing the sing the songs of Zion in Spirit; but for how can they he sing those songs through matter? in a strange land? when for matter is unknown to Spirit The native clime of christianity Corrected: Christianity is mind, mind with its immortal cravings, where God is a present help always even in the treatment of disease mind immortal mind is the place of his this is the fitting place for our labor and his our song

Friends, so many are in doubt as to the exact meaning of the word Metaphysics, and because we style christianCorrected:Christian healing Metaphysical healing, permit us to define this word as per authority of Webster. Metaphysics, "The Science of the Principles and causes of all things existing, hence the science of mind, or Intelligence." "Metaphysical Theology treats of the existence of God, His essence and attributes." Metaphysical Science will sooner or later define itself more widlyCorrected:widely It is making rapid strides, fulfilling the prophecy, lo! I come quickly and my reward is with me; and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out devils (error) they shall speak with new tongues and if they shall drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt themMark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. . This new tongueMark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; is the spiritual definition of things, their translation from the thing, to the thought that produced it; casting out devils, signifies, Truth destroying error,yea the higher law asserting its rights above over the lower law, the law of mind conquering the so called law of matter, and virtually annulingCorrected:annulling annilang ilating the law by showing its nothingness when we by healing in opposition to that law. The imunityCorrected:immunity from deadly drugs is also seen through this proscessCorrected:process, and we have proved it on ourselves and others when healing cases of poisoning by Materia Medica One week ago today we briefly retraced in history the material footsteps of Theology more bloody even and backward over the track of centuries marked the fall of men me and empires in a demoniacal contest for creeds. Then refreshed by the opposite picture we noted the gradual dematerializing de-materializing of religions and at every step the higher humanity that it evoked; thus all history depicts the blessings that distinguish the a calmer and more Spiritual religions

Today we shall briefly note the next great fact namely that the improved theory and practice of religion, and of medicine, are mainly due to the people's improved views of the Supreme Being And Due to the material element disappearing and the Spiritual element appearing, to physics going out and Metaphysics coming in, yea, to a Principle understood, taking the place of a person believed in whereby to form in our conceptions of Deity. These therefore are the signs of the times that betoken a restoration of the lost element of christianCorrected:Christian healing, They are and they the spiritual signs that our Master bade his students observe when he told them, there should no other signs be given and Such Methinks this signs illustrate the figure of the end of the world, is appearing illustrated the end of mans Corrected: man’s enslavement by by sin sickness & death matter, that when We are learning that mind has the certain inalienable rights among which is the right to govern matter learning that Omnipotent Mind governs all inharmonyiously and the hence the so-called mind of material man should gain this higer law that subjugates the law material. yield to this mind that is God we all are learning that Mind is its own embodiment therefore it must and governs its own body and in harmony or discord according to the mind that governs it according as ig and according to its to its ignorance or understanding of the laws of mind govern it will it govern it We are stranglyCorrected:strangely unconscious of what constitutes man's Being; while seeking for the cause of other effects and phenomena, we never ask what governs the phenomenon of man, and if the deathless principle called life ought indeed to should disappear at the beck of matter.

The body is but a combination of forces, those forces are mortal mind the the animal moral and intellectual and moral powers; that that the body acts only in obedience to this power is proven,when mind has departed and the body is seen to be as matter to be sensationless, motionless, and inert; we know that not an organ acts, not an a function is performed, not a secretion or excretion goes on without mind to compell it; give then these forces of mind their proper stimuli of Truth and they would be found to would go on harmoniously. A mind governed by Truth makes both a strong body, and mind, and this Truth must a a prince among men, and a free man and not a slave; yea it even makes man the master of of sickness, and sin, even as the lion is a of all error but not this king among over beasts as the lion that shaking his proud mainCorrected:mane, leaps ing in wild freedom to the forests. Instruct the latent powers of thought how to govern the body and longevity would go up an hundred per cent percent but Mind is proven the autocrat of the body when it even dares the dream of death for the waking waking certainty of life

[*]Editorial Note: A series of metamarks that looks like Xs appear at this point in the manuscript.

When I believed God a person instead of Principle, and was taught those doctrinsCorrected:doctrines of election, even namely, that man is the victim of his Maker I feared God more than I loved Him. but when I learned that God is a Principle and this Principle is Love and Truth I became more the conscious child of God and governed by Truth & and Love — then my health improved and my health improved in proportion as I was governed by this Truth Thus it was found out that our higher and truer conceptions of Deity improved man physically as well as morally. This was a also is the Metaphysical Principle of "Christs casting out devils and healing the sickMatt 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. ," when for it is Truth casting out error and that improves ing the health Also This first step in Metaphysical theology demonstrates to our understanding the effect on the body of the minds ideals.

We should never conclude that we ought to be ignorant of God as a mystery or that seeking the understanding of God of Him is impiety, when we are told that to we should leave all for him of whoomCorrected:whom we know nothing and this is piety.

Periods and peoples are characterized by the views they entertain of God, for and we all because we admit that our highest ideals are our highest conceptions of Deity. These ideals then are our models, and if we are workers, we are bringing out these our or models; and we cannot be wholely Corrected: wholly idle, in one way or another, consciously or unconsciously we are sculptors, one mind touches ing another and chiseling out its model and while it works at its own character indefatigueably indefatigueablyCorrected:indefatiguably Recognizing this, let us turn often from marble to model, from matter to Spirit, from the thing to the thought that has produced it.

God being Spirit, our model is spirit, and to reach that model our methods must be growing more spiritual; and therefore our religion, and our modes of treating the sick are will becomeing more spiritual as we aproximate Corrected: approximate to Spirit, God, and the right our ideals are brought out Now Person is a limited ideal, a finite instead of an infinite model, therefore this model has not brought out the beautiful outlines and forms of christianityCorrected:Christianityas the those truer conceptions of God, as a the understanding of their Principle would have done and this is consistent when we remember that God is infinite Life, Truth, and Love.

If If there enters into our ideal of God is wrath that repenteth itself, partiality that bless one and not another, incompetence that can not cannot heal the sick unmercifulness that for the sins of a few tired years punishes man eternally, which punishment cannot be reformatory, the that ideal is not true of Deity, and such a model has made monsters of men and filled the earth with woe unspeakable.

On the startled ear of time soundeth yet the iron tread, the that march of merciless invaders, crushing the innocent and helpless, wringing from the lips of manhood at the feet of priestcraft shameful confessions like GallileoCorrected:Galileo giving the lie to Truth

The distorted doctrins Corrected: doctrines and opinions entertained of God have done more evil than history can record, and are still doing more at present than we are at present aware of --

Such false ideals of God caused the arrest and condemnation of Jesus, then washed the hands in water to cleanse their their foul thoughts. Such ideals made erected the Amphitheatres, at Rome threw through the pious Ignatius to infuriated beasts, with a read hot irons burned out the eyes of young they could reach of religious rites The ose worshippers of wood and stone had for their models of Deity matter only, hence their in lower order of humanity, and the religious advancement of those worshipers of a less material God

Thus we learn that our thoughts and ideals concern us The things of thoughts concern us more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices, for they mould and bring out their exact images on in human character

Let us then make haste to have the joy advancing of right thoughts that tell of hours well spent and duties done. The God we understand does more for us than the God we do not understand for even as to know the principle of a good deed enables us sooner and better to perform that deed. To understand God as the Principle of all men, would that is Love brings out the brotherhood of man in unity of proscess Corrected: process and oneness of Principle. and it would explain this scripture "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism"Eph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, .

The term Lord signifies in the scripture a divine Ruler, but the different doctorines Corrected: doctrines apply this term to a personal Trinity, Father Son and Holy Ghost, three persons in one person. That Deity is a person is contradicted by the scriptures -- God is Love, and three persons in one is a heathen conception of Jehovah even let the figure appear before us and it would be thought monstrous. The effect of this error of belief, is to hide the Truth of Being, which is God the only true God and and by it remembered that Truth alone can destroy all error sin sickness and death, and bring to light the one living and true God, bring to our comprehension God the the Intelligence the Intelligence Substance and Life that are God and because there is but one there is none other and this one is God the only perfect and divine model the Intelligence substance and Life that are God Faith is the scriptural term in the original text for trust or trustworthiness, implying which implies Spiritual understanding, not a blind faith but the confidence we are entitled to feel in that Truth we can understand, and demonstrate healing the sick and casting out error. It is not a mere trust in what a person has done or will do for us, but a cheerful confidence in the Divine Principle that teaches us how to work for our self. Again this Principle named God is a Trinity, the three in one, the a Divine triad of Life, Truth and Love the that = Life which the Life which that is eternal the Love that is universal. the Truth without an error error If we conform to this Divine model we are safe, as a nation, as peoples, as individuals. [*]Editorial Note: A metamark that looks like an X appears at this point in the manuscript. The term rite of baptism our best biblical scholars consider a symbolical and not a saving ordinance; the application of water by submerging is intended only to but represent s the baptism of Spirit, of the purification by Truth. John the Baptist said, I indeed baptise Corrected: baptize you with water, but he that cometh after me shall baptise Corrected: baptize you with the holy ghost, and with fireMatt 3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: . This figure was to show that the baptism of John was the opposite to that of Jesus the one being material, the other Spiritual, even as water and fire are opposites, also that the results of these different baptisms were as remote as their methods. The design of one and its result is to is to give us the an understand of God and to find all being in Him because God regarding thise Divine Principle as is the only Life, Substance and Intelligence of man The result of a material baptism is simply to believe in a personal God pardoning the sinner cleansing the foul nature through his own merits -- but The cleansing by water typifies the the pardoning power a personal pardon and how can an evil motive or affection, malice or hypocrisy, be purified by a pardon? our magistrates can pardon a criminals but that pardon has not reformed them. I think it would even encourage crime if the criminal deserved punishment to pardon him, and if the sinner has reformed he is sin is destroyed it needs no pardon. This question the scriptures Jesus disposed of, saying of -- we learn there the axe must be laid at the roots of the tree and cut down all that bringeth not forth good fruits; certainly that did not mean to pardon sin, it demanded that was not pardoning sin it was required the utter destruction of sin. Here let us say, the only possible method for this result is for eradicating all evil is is the rules of obedience to Truth, it is Metaphysics, it beginings in mind, and confining es our method to mind, and bringing s out the results on the the body let it result in actions in health morally and physically and in yea it is practice more than profession.

[*]Editorial Note: A series of metamarks that looks like Xs appear at this point in the manuscript.

As our ideal of Deity becomes more true, we express it in things more beautiful, we clothe it in our cemetriesCorrected:cemeteries with amaranthyine blossoms, and evergreen leaves, with white monuments, fragrant recesses, cool grottoes, smiling fountains, birds and song. The dismal gray stones of the old church yards are left to decay oblivion, as as our ideals of God and immortality grows brighter, the bat and owl on the bending stones are fading out are left to out, and the a wreath of immortellsCorrected:immortals, and a the white finger pointing upward cheer that resting place.[*]Editorial Note: A metamark that looks like an X appears at this point in the manuscript.

Let us be patient, the winds of centuries sweap Corrected: sweep clean, we are movving Corrected: moving onward, but Alas s ! How slowly; let us then quicken our pace, the calls is are imperitiveCorrected:imperative, the sinner is not saved the morals of society need to be better the sick look up beseechingly, the mourners go about the streets and Now is there nothing to do? Or is there not much to be done are we busy? Then what is our that labor? work in what direction are we working? God and His idea are with us now, as in centuries past, when Jesus walked the earth; the same might of mind is ever present, and this mental power is able now as ever to say to the sick of palsy rise and walk yea to speak speak as one having authority. Wherefore then is should this slumbering christianCorrected:Christian energy be deemed a be thought a a Sampson shorn of its might by the Delilah drugs and a Pilate and Herod be joining hands to slay Truth it Shall mind that links us to Deity be chained or deemed weak? by ignorance, bigotry, and or proscription Should a If the recording angels write, the voice of many waters declare, and the thunders of Sinai join the chorus, would it they quicken the dull sense? Should and would you catch the vibrations of Truth and join the asse company of healers in the march of Christian Science? and Would we mankind waken Were if were the soft cadence of thanksgivings thrilled by the Master Metaphysicians call touch and the trembling cords of hope sweapt by his strong hand to should send back the Talitha cumi Damsel I say unto the ariseMark 5:41 And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha
cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise.
When will theis diapason of heaven catch the key-note of earth and light her sepulchres with immortality. And when will the charedCorrected:charred and uncremated fossils material of medicine of materiality of matter cease their false claims of tireless beliefs but tireless claims and mankind cease to trust stop trusting where there is no trust, and gorgeing their faith with skill, proved a million times unskillful.

What the doctor says and thinks more than what he gives precipitate the result he would prevent; believe it if you can, understand it if you will the fact remains true that mind is Supreme and it governs every action of the body from the brains finest tissues, to the toes.

Thise scientific facts of Metaphysicsal healing is are not at the mercy of a belief, or unbelief, it they stands accredited today by hundreds who have tested and proved it them and Through thise mighty power of mind armed with the Truth of mans being have set the body aright restored harmonious action where pitiless more good can be done and and is being done than you have the faintest idea of When pitiless dru drugs have proved incompetent Mind has healed the most complicated and difficult chronic and acute diseases It is a It is a false system that fastens disease in mind and then fights it with matter to get it out of mind. We know that without mind a muscle could not mooveCorrected:move, the heart palpitate, or the blood circulate; matter the nonintelligentCorrected:non-intelligent has not the ability to mooveCorrected:move thise harp of many strings.

We shall all be well and reach the age of the antedeluvians Corrected: antediluvian , and balance the beam of being on the side of Immortality, when we understand the ability of mind, what it can do and how it does it, and we shall then looseCorrected:lose all faith in or fear of matter This is the liberty of the sons of God. "One Lord one faith one baptism" The effect of mind is evident, out of this fountain of thought has preceeded Corrected: preceded all and Our ideals of Divinity have formed our models of humanity or inhumanity.

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