Accession: A10380A
Editorial Title: But if ye had known
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: February 16, 1879
Manuscript Description: Handwritten in pen by Mary Baker Eddy on lined paper.
Editorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy delivered this sermon on February 16, 1879, at Parker Memorial Hall, according to the February 15, 1879 issue of the Boston Evening Transcript.
Related Versions: To read drafts of the sermon for which this document is an outline, see A10380BClick link to view A10380B document in new window and A10380CClick link to view A10380C document in new window.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Our Subject is a passage of Scripture namely "but if yet had known etc.Matt 12:7 But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless.

The ignorance referredAs Written:refered to the scripturalAs Written:scriptureal passage was not a lack of human

The origin of sacrifice we -- Eucharist and deprecatory views

As an historical question sacrificeAs Written:sac-

The belief of expiatory suffering is barbarism in heathen lands

Injustice in theory leads to injustice in practice If we wrong God we

The history of religions is replete with cruelty owing wholly to their materially its

Mercy and justice should join hand

Does not divine law punish sin It is not less wise than human law

Divine law declares the Soul that sin Human law copies this code in th

Whence came the president for judicial codes

Human justice based on divine justice love is not so blind

Is there no danger of putting a premium on the gallows

Oh! We do not get to heaven so easy It is not in the power of God

The theory of pardon a personalAs Written:personal God etc covers the volcano

Let us be patient the troubled dreamAs Written:drem of life in matter

The belief of Soul in body vibratesAs Written:virates a pendulum

Were you never so happy in making others happy

Goodness alone brings spirituality takes us out of the grasp of matter

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Our Subject is a passage of Scripture namely "but if yet had known etc.Matt 12:7 But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless.

The ignorance referedCorrected:referred to the scripturealCorrected:scriptural passage was not a lack of human

The origin of sacrifice we -- Eucharist and deprecatory views

As an historical question sac-Expanded:sacrifice

The belief of expiatory suffering is barbarism in heathen lands

Injustice in theory leads to injustice in practice If we wrong God we

The history of religions is replete with cruelty owing wholly to their materially its

Mercy and justice should join hand

Is there no danger of placing a premium on the gallows

Does not divine law punish sin It is not less wise than human law

Divine law declares the Soul that sin Human law copies this code in th

Whence came the president for judicial codes

Human justice based on divine justice love is not so blind

Is there no danger of putting a premium on the gallows

Oh! We do not get to heaven so easy It is not in the power of God

The theory of pardon a personalCorrected:personal God etc covers the volcano

Let us be patient the troubled dremCorrected:dream of life in matter

The belief of Soul in body viratesCorrected:vibrates a pendulum

Were you never so happy in making others happy

Goodness alone brings spirituality takes us out of the grasp of matter

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