Two methods only of treating disease
The methods whereby disease is treatedAs Written:treatted through matter are etc
The modus of medicine and laws of health is not harmless to the spiritual growth mesmerism __________ is destructive to it
All material means of treating disease confine and limit the remedy to matter and mesmerism more than all others
All matter remedies and mesmerism more than all others tend to limit and confine mind to mortality the low and transientAs Written:transcient things of matter
Then is it too much to insist on your giving your attention to Christian Healing or the Science of being this method and the Principle upon which it is based tends to destroy our fear of and our faith in matter
Our wisest statesmen
1st our remedyAs Written:remdy To understand what mesmerism can do and to know how and when it is at work
Those recreant students of ours
You must not flatter yourself they cannot reach me or
These signs of these times are the lessons of the hour
The Christian Scientist can not produce the results that a mesmerist can
Every honest student of ours - they will tell you we never taught them mesmerism while the dishonest ones try to pin their faith on us having made shipwreck of our faith
Mesmerism the extract and quintessence of error like steam or the homeopathic
The patient whom it placed in her chair for life
The dying woman who exclaimed save me! he stands by my bed"
The mesmerism that can reach a person afar off as well as nigh affect their
thoughts turning them
An escaped felon
The individual will at length see the change etc
Mesmerism is error under all circumstances either a mistaken purpose to do right or
a malicious intent to do wrong