Accession: A10590
Editorial Title: Mind
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: unknown
Manuscript Description: Handwritten in pen on unlined paper.
Editorial Note: This document appears to be an outline for a sermon or address but it is not known where or when Mary Baker Eddy may have delivered it. Mary Baker Eddy has added a metamark that looks like an X.
Related Versions: To read notes related to a section of this address, see A10663Click link to view A10663 document in new window.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Sub. Mind


Mind baffles knowledge but is grandly simple in her methods She lies around us silent, harmonious, every where pervaded by a consummateAs Written:consumate order yet not a footfall of her sovereignAs Written:sovreign power strikes the ear But this is immortal Mind named God


We are educated to think that Mind is many but the day is not distant, for the night is far spent, when we shall learn of science that Mind is One and this one all


We are educated to believe that Mind is immortal in and as evil as well as good but Christian science reveals the great fact that evil is not self preserving but self destroying hence the mind that is evil must be mortal Sin brought death hence the classification of Mind as immortal and mortal the immortalAs Written:imorta being God, the mortal

but theories open [?] Unclear or illegible  of mortals.

To sustain the basis of the immortality of Mind we must classify this term as applied to the real and the suppositional Truth and error The unerring infinite and eternal good that we name God is the one Mind and the opposite of good called evil is not mind it is a falsity named mind then go with me a little farther and you will behold it is unreal as well as untrue and this timely discovery sets your feet upon the rock of divine science

In the original versions Good instead of God was the term for Deity and if that orthography had been preserved the earth would not have have been deluged with blood on the question of the person of Deity

Because there is but one God there can be but one Mind and when this grand fact shall be to understood it will bring blessings infinite to the human > family Peace on earth and good will to man

Mind is an abstraction It has nothing in common with matter our sentences therefore are of necessity abstract but philosophy never sneers at abstractions when we remember that all true ideas are are the abstracts from their grand principle which is God

[*]Editorial Note: A metamark that looks like an X appears at this point in the manuscript. Scotchman's definition of Mind Matter being the opposite of Mind or Spirit is the only

representative of evil or error Matter is the substratum of mortal mind constituted of and existing in and as a belief only falsely termed taken cognizance of only by the senses and falsely termed matter at one stage and mind at another What we improperly term mortal mind is evolved from its cruder forms or substrata of thought as fluids solids and aeriform and rises to its essences or

beliefs of mind through progression and rises higher only as it beautifies its forms and dematerializes its substances until it reaches the status termed mortals or mortal mind After which this so-calledAs Written:socalled mind goes on to dematerializeAs Written:demateriaze in thought until it spiritualizes into the absence of itself and the presence of actual mind and no longer sits up on from Deity and puts on the essentials of mind

namely good and puts of the nonessentials called evil

This grand metaphysical fact is illustrated by one of the phases of mortal mind seen in medicine The homeopathic system of drugs wherein their potency is increased in proportion as they lose matter and gain the qualities of thought through the process of mental pharmacy counting the shakes as you attenuate the drug and giving it the power of faith in your process

The essence of immortal Mind is God, its essential nature which is Life Truth and Love Its office is omnipotence omniscienceAs Written:omnicience & omnipresence the all-knowing the all-powerful the ever-present

The essence of mortal mind seen in sin sickness & death is dust nothingness unto which it returns and this is the self -destruction of error in contradistinction to the

immortality of Truth Its offices are weakness narrowness and wickedness

In proportion as the mortal thought gives place to the immortal will these degraded offices yield to those higher and more enlarged offices of mind This is illustrated in the readier means of transportation all over the Globe reaching towards the quality of the Deific Mind in omnipresence In the liberated power of

steam ect approximating to the all power of immortal Mind in omnipotence In the remedial agents for sin and sickness coming within the grasp of human thought and human endeavor as it takes in and gives out the thought of God behind all and all behind God in proportion dematerializesAs Written:demateralizes do we obtain in the presence and power of mind Spirit is supreme and matter a myth

And the sounding aislesAs Written:isles of the dim wood rang to the anthems of the freeEditorial Note: This is a line from a poem titled “The Pilgrim Fathers” by Felician Hemens.

and you have won the first steps of freedom from our oppressors sin and sickness that so long have held our race in bondage

and you have caught the clarion call to battle for truth the next step to the faith of our forefathers when they set their feet on Plymouth rock for the rights of man And the sounding isles of the dim woods rang to anthems of the free


These thoughts and myriadsAs Written:myrads more desiderata serve but to touch the hem of the garmentAs Written:garmenentMatt 9:20 ¶And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment: Matt 14:36 And besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment: and as many as touched were made perfectly whole. of Truth whereby we learn over what worlds of discovery mind hath range and is sovereignAs Written:sovreign What resistless strength what more than regal majesty what celestial beauty What overflowing tides of new sensations yea what mysteries of exhaustless good lie in this little word of infinite meanings mind.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Sub. Mind


Mind that baffles knowledge but she is grandly simple in her methods She lies around us silent, harmonious, every where pervaded by a consumateCorrected:consummate order yet not a footfall of her sovreignCorrected:sovereign power strikes the ear But this is the is immortal Mind as named God not man


We are educated to think that Mind is many but the day is not distant, for the night is far spent, when we shall learn of Christian science that Mind is One and this one all


We are educated to believe that Mind is is can be immortal in and as evil as well as good but Christian science reveals the great fact that evil is not self preserving but self destroying and hence the mind that is evil must be mortal Sin brought death hence the classification of Mind as immortal and mortal the imortaCorrected:immortal being God, the mortal

but the but theories open [?] Unclear or illegible  of mortals.

To sustain the basis of the immortality of Mind we must classify this ter word term as applied to the real and the suppositional to Truth and error The unerring infinite and eternal good that we name God is the one Mind and the opposite of good called evil is not mind but it is a falsity named mind then go with me a little farther and you will behold it is unreal as well as untrue and this timely discovery sets your feet upon the rock of divine science I

In the original versions Good instead of God was the term for Deity and if that orthography had been preserved the earth would not have have been deluged with blood on the question of the person of Deity

Because there is but one God there can be but one Mind and when this grand fact shall be to understood it this grand fact will brings blessings infinite to the human >of Adam family Peace on earth and good will to man

Mind is an abstraction It has nothing in common with matter and our sentences therefore are of necessity abstract but philosophy never sneers at abstractions when we remember that all true ideas are complex and science separates them are the abstracts them from their grand principle which is God

[*]Editorial Note: A metamark that looks like an X appears at this point in the manuscript. Scotchman's definition of Mind Matter being the opposite of Mind or Spirit is the only

representative of evil or error Matter is but the substratum of mortal mind it is constituted of and existing in and as a belief only only seen or felt by the a thing of the senses not Soul it and is taken cognizance of only by the senses and falsely termed mind at one stage and taken cognizance of only by the senses and falsely termed matter at one stage and mind or spirit at another what is matter mortal What we improperly term mind th mortal mind in its substrata is is evolved from its cruder forms or substrata of thought as solids fluids solids and aeriform and rises to its essences or

beliefs of mind through progression and improves rises higher only as it improves beautifies its forms and dematerializes its substances until it reaches the status termed mortals or mortal mind After which this min socalledCorrected:so-called mind goes on to demateriazeCorrected:dematerialize in thought until it spiritualizes into the absence of itself and the presence of actual mind and no longer sits up on independingAs Written:independing from Deity and puts on the essentials of mind

namely good and puts of the nonessentials called evil

This grand great metaphysical fact is illustrated by one of the phases of mortal mind as seen in medicine The homeopathic system of drugs wherein their potency is increased in proportion as they lose matter and are ack gain the qualities of thought through the process of mental pharmacy counting the shakes as you attenuate the drug and giving it the strength power of faith in your process

The essence of Mind or essential Mind

The essence of immortal Mind is God, its essential nature which is Life Truth and Love Its office is omnipotence omnicienceCorrected:omniscience & omnipresence the all-knowing the all-powerful the ever-present

The essence of mortal mind seen such as in sin sickness & death is dust nothingness unto which it returns and this is the self -destruction of error in contradistinction to the

immortality of Truth Its offices are weaknessness limits narrownessness and wickedness

In proportion as the mortal thought and gives place to the immortal will these degraded offices yield to those higher and more enlarged and we see this offices of mind This is illustrated in the readier means of transportation all over the Globe reaching towards corresponding the quality of the Deific Mind in omnipresence In the liberated power of

steam ect approximating corresponding to the all power of the immortal Mind in omnipotence In the remedial agents for sin and sickness coming within the grasp of human thought and human endeavor as it takes in and gives out the thought of God behind all and all behind God in proportion demateralizesCorrected:dematerializes do we obtain in the presence and power of mind Spirit is supreme and matter a myth

And the sounding islesCorrected:aisles of the dim wood rang to the anthems of the freeEditorial Note: This is a line from a poem titled “The Pilgrim Fathers” by Felician Hemens.

I and you have won the first steps of freedom from our oppressors sin and sickness that so long have enthralled man held our race in bondage

This freedom s the liberty of the sons of God is the next clarion note and This step follows the you have caught the next clarion call to battle for truth the next steps of to the faith of our forefathers when they planted their set their feet on Plymouth rock for the rights of man for like Israel of old fleeing from their oppressors And the sounding isles of the dim woods rang to anthems of the free


These thoughts and myradsCorrected:myriads more consider desiderata serve but to touch the hem of the garmenentCorrected:garmentMatt 9:20 ¶And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment: Matt 14:36 And besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment: and as many as touched were made perfectly whole. of Truth whereby we learn over what worlds of discovery mind hath range and is sovreignCorrected:sovereign What resistless strength what more than regal majesty what celestial beauty What overflowing tides of new sensations yea what mysteries of exhaustless good lie in this little word of infinite meanings mind.

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A metamark that looks like an X appears at this point in the manuscript. This is a line from a poem titled “The Pilgrim Fathers” by Felician Hemens.