Accession: A10611
Editorial Title: Continuation of A10604, date unknown
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Scribe: Asa Gilbert Eddy 
Date: date unknown
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Asa Gilbert Eddy (as scribe) on unlined paper with corrections in the handwriting of Mary Baker Eddy.
Related Versions: This document is a continuation of A10604Click link to view A10604 document in new window.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

detective that pounces upon the innocent and mars the domestic circle. No guardian of the law is this cat detective but a lawbreakerAs Written:law breaker that moral law should handle and disgorge should cut off those claws that reach forth only for Gods innocents; a gleam from the Soul of a mouse would enlarge the nature of a cat When the beautiful crown imperial a queen among flowers lifts its pendants above the snow it owns with the songster and rivulet the power of spring and we remember spring is a season of the heart that hath its bud and blossom, its wooing breeze, and sights and sounds delightful But first of all it is Soul that hath them in form color outline and beauty, and when personal sense ceases its silly bickerings the birds the buds the flowers, yea, feelings and emotions all in miniatureAs Written:mineature and they come forth resplendent in Gods sunshine Eternal forms of lovelinessAs Written:lovliness rise from a higher sense of goodness purity and beauty that personal sense hath not conceived, that eye hath not seen nor ear heardI Cor 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. , Neither shall any stint haunt the coming of Souls beautiful hosts, for come they will forever, and every time more beautiful, more happifying, more utterly what the angel appetite cheated on earth hath signed for, and all this soft rapture and sweet rhythm As Written: rythm of being flowing from Soul, shall rise higher and become more secure as matter disappears and the infinite resources of Soul supply the joys of heaven.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

detective that pounces upon the innocencet and mars the domestic circle. No guardian of the law is this cat detective but a law breakerCorrected:lawbreaker that moral law should handle and disgorge should cut out off those claws that reach forth only for Gods innocents; a gleam from the Soul of a m [?] Unclear or illegible ouse [?] Unclear or illegible  would enlarge the nature of a cat When the beautiful crown imperial looking a queen among flowers upon the earth lifts its pendants above the snow it to owns alike with the songster and rivulet the power of spring and then we remember spring is a season of the heart that hath its bud and blossom, its wooing breeze, and sighsts and sounds delightful But first of all it is Soul that hath them in all form color outline and beauty, and when personal sense ceases its silly bickerings the birds birds the buds the flowers, yea, feelings and emotions creations all in mineatureCorrected:miniature and they shall come forth resplendent in Gods sunshine Eternal forms of lovlinessCorrected:loveliness shall rise from a higher an infinite sense of innocence goodness purity and beauty that personal sense hath not conceived, that eye hath not seen nor ear heardI Cor 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. , no Neither shall any stint shall haunt the coming of Souls beautiful hosts, for come they will forever, and every time more beautiful, more happifying, more utterly what the angels appetite cheated chattied on earth hath both signed for, and all this soft rapture and sweet rythm Corrected: rhythm of being flowing from Soul, shall rise higher and become more secure as matter disappears and the Spirits infinite resources of Soul supply the joys of heaven.

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