Accession: A10757
Editorial Title: I am the way, the truth, and the life
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Scribe: unknown 
Date: unknown
Manuscript Description: Handwritten in pencil on lined paper.
Archival Note: Archivists have not yet determined the date of this sermon or where it was given.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library.
Subject (The personality of God) John 14th 6thJohn 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Truth is not an abstract quality but an entity not an attributeAs Written:atribute but an entity What the latin Church expressed by the word persona the Greek Church expressed by the word hypostasis The exact Theoretical meaning of the word persona was of the time it was first employed . Most of our best commentaries agree in this that it was not absolutelyAs Written:absolutly certain what the C it was first employed

The Greek word hypostasis means a basis or substance and is intended to express the idea that God and the word are not mere attributes but the subject of attributes

While the scriptures declare the Divine Trinity they also declare the Divine unity

Life Truth and Love they can neither be confounded nor divided Distinct as Essentials they necessarily form but one whole thus understood the subject forms no conflicting elements of thought

Love and Truth are not mere qualities of the Divine Substance are the Divine substance itself The thought or idea is in the mind and yet it is expressed Thy mind gives birth to the design it holds in mind some work of art a vast edifice here the idea is the offspring of thy mind the child of thy affections

1779 Lady Mary WortleyAs Written:Worthy MontaguAs Written:MontagueEditorial Note: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762) was a British aristocrat and writer. Her husband was the British Ambassador to Turkey. While living in Turkey, Lady Montague found that the Turks were practicing inoculation against Smallpox. Upon returning to England, she was enthusiastic about introducing the practice there, but was resisted by the medical establishment. Eddy is mistaken here when she states that Montagu introduced inoculation from Germany. introduced from Germany inoculation into France The FacultyAs Written:Faculy of Dr said it was a fatal experiment and the Clergy said it was profane to presume on the possibility of counteracting the law of God regarding sickness

Charles SumnerEditorial Note: Charles Sumner (1811-1874) was a lawyer and a United States Senator from Massachusetts. Known as a powerful orator, he was devoted to the cause of abolition of slavery in the United States.
Brown SequardEditorial Note: Charles Edward Brown-Sequard (1817-1894) was a Mauritian neurologist and physiologist who was the first to describe the symptoms of loss of motor function due to the severing of the spinal cord. These symptoms are known as "Brown-Sequard Syndrome."

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library.
Subject (The personality of God) John 14th 6thJohn 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

The Truth is is not an abstract quality but an entity not an atributeCorrected:attribute but an entity What the latin Church expressed by the word persona the Greek Church expressed by the word hypostasis What the word persona me The exact Theoretical meaning of the word persona was of the time it was first employed is not absolutely certain. Most of our best commentaries agree in this that it was not absolutlyCorrected:absolutely certain what the C it was first employed is not absolutely certain

The Greek word hypostasis means a basis or substance and is intended to express the idea that God and the word are not mere subj attributes but the subject of attributes

While the scriptures declare the Divine Trinity they also declare the Divine unity

Life Love Truth and Love they can neither be confounded nor divided Distinct as Essentials they necessarily form but one whole thus understood the subject forms no conflicting elements of thought

Love and Truth are not mere qualities of the Divine Substance are the Divine substance itself The thought or idea is in the mind and yet it is expressed Thy mind gives birth to the design it holds in mind some work of art a vast edifice here the idea is the offspring of thy mind the child of thy affections

1779 Lady Mary WorthyCorrected:Wortley MontagueCorrected:MontaguEditorial Note: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762) was a British aristocrat and writer. Her husband was the British Ambassador to Turkey. While living in Turkey, Lady Montague found that the Turks were practicing inoculation against Smallpox. Upon returning to England, she was enthusiastic about introducing the practice there, but was resisted by the medical establishment. Eddy is mistaken here when she states that Montagu introduced inoculation from Germany. introduced from Germany inoculation into France The pr FaculyCorrected:Faculty of Dr said it was a fatal experiment and the Clergy said it was profane to presume on the possibility of counteracting God the law of God regarding sickness

Charles SumnerEditorial Note: Charles Sumner (1811-1874) was a lawyer and a United States Senator from Massachusetts. Known as a powerful orator, he was devoted to the cause of abolition of slavery in the United States.
Brown SequardEditorial Note: Charles Edward Brown-Sequard (1817-1894) was a Mauritian neurologist and physiologist who was the first to describe the symptoms of loss of motor function due to the severing of the spinal cord. These symptoms are known as "Brown-Sequard Syndrome."

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Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762) was a British aristocrat and writer. Her husband was the British Ambassador to Turkey. While living in Turkey, Lady Montague found that the Turks were practicing inoculation against Smallpox. Upon returning to England, she was enthusiastic about introducing the practice there, but was resisted by the medical establishment. Eddy is mistaken here when she states that Montagu introduced inoculation from Germany. Charles Sumner (1811-1874) was a lawyer and a United States Senator from Massachusetts. Known as a powerful orator, he was devoted to the cause of abolition of slavery in the United States. Charles Edward Brown-Sequard (1817-1894) was a Mauritian neurologist and physiologist who was the first to describe the symptoms of loss of motor function due to the severing of the spinal cord. These symptoms are known as "Brown-Sequard Syndrome."