Accession: A11058
Editorial Title: Notes by Calvin A. Frye regarding Mary Baker Eddy’s childhood, February 28, 1890
Author: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: February 28, 1890
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Calvin A. Frye on unlined paper.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Feb 28 1890As Written:'90

Her saintly mother used to teach her little verses to repeat at night when retiring when a child one was "Count that day lost whose setting sun finds no good done." At another time while talking to her about being careful of her words she said "now remember child that 'a word that's flown is in your hearer's power and not your own"

When only 10 yrs old she was regarded a walking encyclopedia, One day her brother Alb. said "let'sAs Written:lets see Mary, what was it that Fontanelle the French moralistEditorial Note: Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle (1657-1757) said about woman? She said, he said "Woman has oneAs Written:on cell less in the brain than man & one more in her heart," He said but are you sure, she said well I can prove it to you & brought out some scraps of paper almost brim-filledAs Written:brim filled chock-fullAs Written:chink full of such sayings which she had collected.

At the age of 16 yrs. she had gained a great reputation for writing up campaignAs Written:campagne articles for the papers "The Patriot" and "Benknap?Editorial Note: Probably Belknap Gazette— under assumed names, as fast as one name was found out she would assume another. One politician As Written: politition came on from Washington to see & talk with her being attracted by her able contributions.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Feb 28 '90Expanded:1890

Her saintly mother used to teach her little verses to repeat at night when retiring when a child one was "Count that day lost whose setting sun finds no good done." At another time while talking to her about being careful of her words she said "now remember child that 'a word that's flown is in your hearer's power and not your own"

When only 10 yrs old she was regarded & a walking encyclopedia, oOne day her brother Alb. said "letsCorrected:let's see Mary, what was it that Fontanelle the French moralistEditorial Note: Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle (1657-1757) said about wom [?] Unclear or illegible an? She said, he said "Woman has onCorrected:one cell less in the brain than man & one more in the her heart," He said but are you sure, she said well I can prove it to you & brought out some scraps of paper almost brim filledCorrected:brim-filled chink fullCorrected:chock-full of such sayings which she had collected.

At the age of 16 yrs. she had gained [?] Unclear or illegible a great reputation for writing up campagneCorrected:campaign articles for the papers "The Patriot" and "Benknap?Editorial Note: Probably Belknap Gazette— under assumed names, as fast as one name was found out she would assume another. One politition Corrected: politician came on from Washington to see & talk with her being attracted by her able contributions.

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Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle (1657-1757) Probably Belknap Gazette