The increase of the market value of Christian Science is manifest by the fact that two years agoEditorial Note: March 16, 1885 it was attacked and I was granted ten minutes in this building in which to reply to a scathing letterEditorial Note: The letter, attacking Eddy's teachings, was written by a prominent Boston Baptist minister, Adoniram J. Gordon. It was read in Tremont Temple by the Reverend Joseph Cook at one of his Monday noon lectures in that edifice. read at that time in public. Today my time for speaking upon the subject of Christian Science is extended to forty five minutes.
Paul when introducing Christianity into Rome, Jerusalem Antioch and Corinth found many of his converts Jews who were willing to bring ritualism into the church but were not willing to accept his views This opposition to his success in establishing Christianity he met and mastered.
Afterwards ApollosAs Written:Appollos a Jew from Alexandrian and Greek philosopher etc
How do I know that Paul was a Christian Scientist? Because he was a miraculous healer and because of his statements. He said "To be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace,"Rom 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. and "The law of the spirit of Truth in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death"Rom 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. . "If you are circumcised Christ profiteth you nothing". Editorial Note: This is not an exact quote from the New Testament, but it reflects Paul's conviction that the atonement of Jesus Christ made it unnecessary for Gentiles converting to Christianity to be circumcised or follow the Law of Moses. So we say to the sick lay aside your drugs and trust in Christ Truth, for help.
Our ideals form our character & standard for expressing our thoughts. We behold and Bunker Hill's shaft pointing heavenward and it symbolizes patriotism, bravery martyrdom. We look on yonder State House with its gilded domeEditorial Note: The Massachusetts State House, across from the Boston Commons and on top of Beacon Hill, has a dome that was originally made out of wood shingles but was later sheathed in copper and covered by 23 karat gold to prevent leaks. which stands for rights, law, justice. We stand before the world and are judged by our fruits.
The ideal of medicine is mind. We begin with the homeopathic rule with the mother tinctureEditorial Note: In Homeopathy, the "mother tincture" is the product of the first extraction of a homeopathic remedy from its parent substance, before further dilutions of it take place. A mother tincture is usually prepared by soaking the plant or other substance in water or alcohol. conveyed through mind. The Mind which is pure is omnipotent. This mind has within our grasp a great dilution and is almost lost at times in fear and conversation when we attempt to deal gently with error and "heal the wounds of the daughter of my people slightly"Jer 8:11 For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
Let us be careful this catholicity of Truth has so many departments. Now let us be sure to preserve our mother tincture or we are liable to have a relapse.
{Different kinds of medicine cathartics alteratives} the tonics are those where we stand fast in the consciousness of Truth's saving power and presence.
There is a great point won by coming into the most exalted ideal.
Progress of civilization first the backwoodsman cutting down the forest, then the farmer, mechanic, clergyman, who goes with the sound of a gospel lawyer legislator and editor.
Bring out your ideals through this action of mind by which you may be monarchs of this realm. These ideas are conveyed by thought rapidly: words are not auxiliaryAs Written:auxilliary to thoughts: build your ideals in the sanctuary of holiness.
For sickness and sin you have alike your remedy; you live and act through the subjective states of mortal mind constructing individual life health and happiness.
Count yourself happy that your lines are fallen in pleasant placesPs 16:6 The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage. . In order to see the contrast of the way Christian science was received in its early infancy with its present acceptance I will refer you to past history "My first studentEditorial Note: Eddy's first student was Hiram Crafts, a worker in a Lynn, Massachusetts shoe factory. She began teaching him in early 1867. agreed with me for terms a decade ago which he never met. (, conspiracy to imprison for insanity)
The process by which Christian Science attempts to heal the sick seems a trifle, but it heals. Trifles make perfection, but perfections are not trifle T'was not ApolloAs Written:Appollo HippocratesAs Written:Hypocrates nor HahnemannAs Written:HahenamEditorial Note: Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was a German physician and the originator of the medical system known as Homeopathy. , but God, who was the father of medicine. So sure as you keep your account square with Him, your success is established.
My "message" to you today is this. There is a standstillAs Written:stand still with all your progress. I am proud of your success which is so far in advance of the world, but I ask one change in this function of mind called disease. Do you want to be more successful then desire it and if you earnestly desire it you will sacrifice. Desire must be measured according to motive. Attack your desires. If your desires are set only in the line of Christian Science it is divine, it is not a factor of human thought. Our desires are the producers of our motives ; shall we see the land-marks of them and not see they have . Did you ever think that your motives are equal to your desires? We need to understand our desires. All who have attended faithfully to their regulation prayers every day may stop their praying, at once and attend to improvingAs Written:improveing their desires and come out and demand of themselves a higher consecration and bend their efforts toward achievingAs Written:acheiving them as the Psalmist to "flee as a bird to your mountain"Ps 11:1 In the Lord put I my trust: how say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain? .
My students your labors and their fruits are worthy of all praise. The world is reaching out its hand to you, for Christian Science take it cautiously, and firmly ; cause the world to test its Principle and be healed and saved thereby.