I rec'd a letterEditorial Note: See 382.50.068. from your wife today. She said nothing about having received my letter mailed March 17.thEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. If you had rec'd that letter I should be content. But it was sent so soon after my short unexplained noteEditorial Note: This note is not extant. of the 16. to give you, in all the warmth of my regard for you, not only an explanation of that hasty line but the whole situation here, and I am very anxious to know the fate of that letter
I never wrote you more confidingly on friendship and on business. If your wife received it I want her to let you and me know it for Mr. Frye knows he mailed it to you on the date aforesaid
I only desire to learn if she got the letter for some one must have received it else it would be returned to me and I want to know whose hands it is in. I hope you are happy and prospering Be sure and send me some more of your spirited articles for the Journal and let me know if you intend to help publish with me and go in with me in that enterprise for I know it will pay if pushed They are trying their best to stop it, some envious ones
Now if you cannot, or do not desire to take hold with me on the paper let me know at once for I must have help immediately and will procure some one else if you prefer I should, Answer yourself and at once this business question