Accession: L02226
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to James Henry Wiggin, November 2, 1890
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: James Henry Wiggin 
Scribe: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: November 2, 1890
Manuscript Description: Letter by Mary Baker Eddy, handwritten by Calvin A. Frye (as scribe) on unlined paper from Concord, New Hampshire. The last two lines of the letter and its signature are in the handwriting of Mary Baker Eddy.
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Manuscript Description:
Final Edits
Original Document

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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mr. Wiggin: -

I am losing my patience. The non-fulfillment As Written: non-fulfilment of your promises is unbusinesslike unjust and unbearable. Send me soon as possible the cast proofs of first chapter, and send at once revised proofs of "Atonement," and let me see this work go on as fast or faster than Mr. Wilson agreed viz. at the rate of 18 pagesAs Written:pp per day.

Unless immediate notice is taken of this letter and its requests I will take the matter of reading proofs outside the press into my own hands and hold Mr. Wilson alone responsible for this unjust delay.

I suffered heavy As Written: heavey damages through delay in my last revision. You acknowledged this and seemed to feel the wrong done to me. The printing of my bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy has been no small profit to Mr. Wilson and for the years that I have patronized him I am deserving better usage than another delay and loss like the past.

Handshift:Mary Baker EddyMy son is away or he would be in Boston and attend to this

In haste Truly
M B G Eddy
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mr. Wiggin: -

I am losing my patience. The non-fulfilment Corrected: non-fulfillment of your promises is unbusinesslike unju [?] Unclear or illegible st and unbearable. Se [?] Unclear or illegible nd me by return mailsoon as possible the cast proofs of first chapter, and send at once revised proofs of "Atonement," and let me see this work go on as fast asor faster than Mr. Wilson agreed viz. at the rate of 18 ppExpanded:pages per day.

Unless immediate notice is ta [?] Unclear or illegible ken of this letter and its requests I will take the matter of reading proofs outside the press into my own hands and hold Mr. Wilson alone responsible for this unjust delay.

I suffered heavey Corrected: heavy damages through delay in my last revisio [?] Unclear or illegible n. You acknowledged this and seemed to feel the wrong done to me. The printing of my bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy has been no small profit to Mr. Wilson and for the years that I have patronized him I am deserving better usage than another delay and loss like the past.

Handshift:Mary Baker EddyMy son is away or he would be in Boston and attend to this

In haste Truly
M B G Eddy
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Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy