Accession: L02253
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to William G. Nixon, August 28, 1890
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: William G. Nixon 
Annotator: unknown 
Date: August 28, 1890
Manuscript Description: Typewritten letter by Mary Baker Eddy, typed by Calvin A. Frye, from Concord, New Hampshire. The signature is the handwriting of Mary Baker Eddy.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in an unknown hand.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Student: —

The proofs which I received Aug. 27th and returned to printer Aug. 28th are somewhereAs Written:some where. I had not changed the marginal references in the copy because I had before written to Mr. Wiggin to make fewer notations and more appropriate ones. When he returned the first proofs a belief As Written: befief (but don't name this to anyoneAs Written:any one,) prevented my examining them as I should otherwise have done, and, to prevent delay, the proof was sent to the printer.

The second proofs have the most shocking flippancy in notations, I have corrected them, also made fewer of them, which will involve another delay caused by Mr Wiggin. He has before, changed his own marginal references which delayed the printing. Also he took back the word "cannot" throughout the entire proofs which he had before insisted upon using thereby causing another delay. I write this to let you know how things stand.

Yours truly
Mary B G Eddy

Handshift:#unknownTyped by Mr. Frye

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Student: —

The proofs which I received Aug. 27th and returned to printer Aug. 28th are some whereCorrected:somewhere. I had not changed the marginal references in the copy because I had before written to Mr. Wiggin to make fewer notations and more appropriate ones. When he returned the first proofs a befief Corrected: belief (but don't name this to any oneCorrected:anyone,) prevented my examining them as I should otherwise have done, and, to prevent delay, the proof was sent to the printer.

The second proofs have the most shocking flippancy in notations,and I have corrected them,and also made fewer of them, which will involve another delay caused by Mr Wiggin. He has before, changed his own marginal references which delayed the printing. Also he took back the word "cannot" throughout the entire proofs which he had before insisted upon using thereby causing another delay. I write this to let you know how things stand.

Yours truly
Mary B G Eddy

Handshift:#unknownTyped by Mr. Frye

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