Accession: L04474
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Hannah H. Larminie, June 1885
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Hannah H. Larminie 
Date: June 1885 - archivist estimate
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on Massachusetts Metaphysical College stationery.
Archival Note: An archivist note on this document reads, “(June, 1885)”
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs. Larminie
My very dear Student,

I was sad on reading your letterEditorial Note: See 295.42.001, but it all arose from sympathy with your loss, not that of the dear departed, it's As Written: it his gain.

Let this console you, for woman's love is so unselfish it can sacrifice for others. Let the good you can do and the stimulation of action keep your mind from dwelling on the past, for the present demands your care, and you must go forth to meet the future calm and strong.

God is your refuge As Written: reffuge and a strong deliverer. He will hide you under his wings till the storms are past and the sunlight of his presence cheers and invigorates you with new strength and exaltation. I am glad you have made the acquaintance of Miss. Brown she is an advanced scholar in Metaphysical healing I hear from her occasionally

With much love I am yours
M B G Eddy
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs. Larminie
My very dear Student,

I was sad on reading your letterEditorial Note: See 295.42.001, but it all arose from sympathy with your loss, not that of the dear departed, it Corrected: it's his gain.

Let this console you, for woman's love is so unselfish it can sacrifice for others. Let the good you can do and the stimulation of action keep your mind from dwelling on the past, for the present demands your care, and you must y go forth to meet the future calm and strong.

God is your reffuge Corrected: refuge and a strong deliverer. He will hide you under his wings till the storms are past and the [?] Unclear or illegible  sunlight of his presence cheers and invigo [?] Unclear or illegible rates you with new strength and exaltation. I am glad you have made the acquaintance of Miss. Brown she is an advanced scholar in Metaphysical healing I hear from her occasionally

With much love I am yours
M B G Eddy
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Boston, Massachusetts See 295.42.001