Accession: L04553
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Edward H. Hammond, May 11, 1886
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Edward H. Hammond 
Date: May 11, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on lined Massachusetts Metaphysical College stationery.
Related Topic: 075.18.004Click link to view 075.18.004 document in new window, L15473Click link to view L15473 document in new window
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Your favorEditorial Note: See 075.18.004. at hand. As soon as possible after its receipt I sent a requestEditorial Note: See L15473. to the SecretaryAs Written:Sec. of N. C. S. A. to send the credentials that you desired.

My Normal class has just closed; one of the prettiest and most promising young ladies in our Association came from DenverEditorial Note: Denver, Colorado to enter it,– Miss Minnie Hall. We had a most harmonious reunion of Christian Scientists,– 17 in the class. The lessons were more than usually advanced, I found some of them could bear it– and they went out veteransAs Written:vetrans.

Shall be pleased to see those you send.

Newspaper article good. The National C. S. A. can be made a grand lever to Students and CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. if you all join it and work as you ought in harmony

Most Sincerely As Written: Sincerly Yours
MBG Eddy
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Your favorEditorial Note: See 075.18.004. at hand. As soon as possible after its receipt I sent a requestEditorial Note: See L15473. to the Sec.Expanded:Secretary of N. C. S. A. to send the credentials that you desired.

My Normal class has just closed; one of the prettiest and most promising young ladies in our Association came from DenverEditorial Note: Denver, Colorado to enter it,– Miss Minnie Hall. We had a most harmonious reunion of Christian Scientists,– 17 in the class. The lessons were more than usually advanced, I found some of them could bear it– and they went out vetransCorrected:veterans.

Shall be pleased to see those you send.

Newspaper article good. The National C. S. A. can be made a grand lever to Students and CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. if you all join it and work as you ought to in harmony

Most Sincerly Corrected: Sincerely Yours
MBG Eddy
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Boston, Massachusetts See 075.18.004. See L15473. Denver, Colorado The cause of Christian Science.