You did not send me the name of the Printers I shall wish to know all about that and see them myself before it is printed. I compared to the 38 page, found four omissions, words not erased, three; and the letter g for the proof mark of erasure once. I forgot to answer your question of the policy of getting old subscribers to pay one dollar in advance for the next edition—I do not think it advisable to do so for many reasons, they will all buy this volume fast enough when they have a chance. I do not think it necessary for you to discount to your patients to make them buy the book. In the first place I have all I want to bear at present from sick folksAs Written:sickfolks, and in the 2ndAs Written:2ond, they will buy the bookEditorial Note: Science and Health sometime but dear student as it helps you I will try and bear it if you think best to do soEditorial Note: Eddy had placed Daniel Spofford in charge of the sales of Science and Health.