Your order on the bank came yesterday and if I had heard from you before it would have saved me expense. I hope in future the rent will be paid at the time it is due namely the of every month, there is now due 20,00Editorial Note: $20.00 in 1882 is the equivalent of $504.59 in 2016. on this month according to the lease. I shall do as you directed in future if that will hinder any misunderstandings on your part. I love to have every one at peace and enjoy the dear relations of home unmolested as certainly you will free from my interference if only I can have my rent without it giving me so much trouble to collect it. My rents are about one hundredEditorial Note: $100 in 1882 is the equivalent of $2,522.96 in 2016. per month and I cannot delay a day for my payments hence my necessity to collect my bills
Give my kindest regards to your family and accept my tearful thanks for your kind thoughts for me in my bereavementEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy’s husband, Asa Gilbert Eddy died on June 3, 1882.