Accession: L07823
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Sarah E. Heywood, April 2, 1885
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Sarah E. Heywood 
Date: April 2, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on lined Massachusetts Metaphysical College stationery.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My very dear Student,

I hope you will forgive me - but in my haste your letter got mislaid, and besides this is my first opportunity of answering, and I fear this will come too late.

There is one general answer I can give for every case

Do not concern yourself so much to get the argument, as to rise to a clear sense of the science of being, namely, that what you behold is an illusion of your own senses as well as the senses of your patient. And then work bravely, persistently and Christ-like to dispelAs Written:dispell this illusion of sin, sickness and death to yourselfAs Written:your self.

I hope you hear from the dear students occasionally I hope you are strong and calm and blessed That is the state of mind to attain

Ever lovingly Yours
M B G Eddy
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My very dear Student,

I hope you will forgive me - but in my haste your letter got mislaid, and besides this is my first opportunity of answering, and I fear this will come too late.

There is one general answer I can give for every case

Do not concern yourself so much to get the argument, as to rise to a clear sense of the science of being, namely, that what you behold is an illusion of your own senses as well as the senses of your patient. And then work bravely, persistently and Christ-like to dispellCorrected:dispel this illusion of sin, sickness and death to your selfCorrected:yourself.

I hope you hear from the dear students occasionally I hope you are strong and calm and blessed That is the state of mind to attain

Ever lovingly Yours
M B G Eddy
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