Accession: L08546
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Francis J. Fluno, September 10, 1887
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Francis J. Fluno 
Date: September 10, 1887
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on lined Massachusetts Metaphysical College stationery.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Student

Many thanks for the sweetest picture of a baby of flesh that ever was taken. It looks like a cherub, the image of an artist's thought.

You must not love it too much, remember it is a thing of mortal as well as immortal Mind, and transfer your love from the little sweet As Written: swet personality to the idea you would embody in this lovely child Then you can build thereon for time and eternity a child that is God's pure and undying thought

May heaven bless you three, husband wife and child with the highest experiences of earth

As ever lovingly
M B G Eddy
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Student

Many thanks for the sweetest picture of a baby of flesh that evner was taken. It looks like a cherub, the image of an artist's thought.

You must not love it too much, remember it is a thintg of mortal as well as immortal Mind, and transfer your love from the little swet Corrected: sweet personality to the idea you would embody in this lovely child Then you can build thereon for time and eternity a child that is God's pure and undying thought

May heaven bless you three, husband wife and child with the highest experiences of earth

As ever lovingly
M B G Eddy
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Boston, Massachusetts