Resolutions passed, May 27. 1880. By the Members of the Christian Scientists Association in Boston
1st That the members of the “Church of Christ and all interested in said church do most sincerely regret that the Pastor feels it her duty to tender her resignation.
2nd That while we feel that she has not met with the support which she had reason to expect, we venture to hope that she will reverse her decision, and remain with us.
3rd That it would be a serious blow to our Cause to have the public services discontinued at a time when there is so much interest manifested on the part of the people, and
4th That we know there is no one who is able ⇉ Handshift:Mary Baker Eddyas herself ⇉ Handshift:unknownto lead us to that higher Christianity whereby to heal the sick and reform the sinner.
That a copy of the foregoing be presented to Mrs. Eddy by a committee appointed for the purpose.
C S Association Church