Accession: L09793
Editorial Title: Mary B. Webster to Mary Baker Eddy, March 27, 1868
Author: Mary B. Webster 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 27, 1868
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary B. Webster on lined paper.
Editorial Note: This document is apparently “automatic writing,” produced by Mary B. Webster acting as a spiritualist medium.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
To ourAs Written:ur well-belovedAs Written:well beloved Sister

we would say be of good cheere deliverance As Written: deliverence is at hand, from this bondage As Written: bondge which is so oppressive to your sensitive nature.

We advise you to face the event that is to take place, to relieve you of that power which is drawing you from the work we have commenced which is to open up the way to mortals of a more gloriousAs Written:glorios dispensation of God's As Written: Gods Love through Woman the Crown and Glory of Man when elevated to a standard egal withAs Written:whith Man Now dear Sister we desire that every weight, that hinders your progress may be taken out of the Way, of your unfoldment in this Holy Spiritual work you are engaged in

We wish it done at once by going through a course of Man-madeAs Written:Man made Laws, so you can appear before the World a free pure Woman, (We will provide the Means to accomplish object you so much desire,

We would just add a few remarks As Written: remark at some future As Written: futur time, to set you on a more firm basis in the Spiritual enfoldment As Written: infoldment from Your Spirit Guides

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
To urCorrected:our well belovedCorrected:well-beloved Sister

we would say be of good cheer [?] Unclear or illegible e deliverence Corrected: deliverance is at hand, from this bondge Corrected: bondage which is so oppressive to your s [?] Unclear or illegible ensitive nature. W

We advise you to face the event with that is to take place, to relieve you of that power which is drawing you from the work we have commenced which is to open up the way to mortals of a more gloriosCorrected:glorious dispensation of Gods Corrected: God's Love through Woman the Crown and Glory of Man when elevated to a standard e [?] Unclear or illegible gal whithCorrected:with Man Now dear Sister we desire that every weight, that hinders your progress may be taken out of the Way, of your unfoldment in this Holy Spiritual work you are engaeged in

We wish it done at once by going through a course of Man madeCorrected:Man-made Laws, so you can appear before the World a free pure Woman, (We will provide the Means to accomplish object you so much desire,

We would just add a few remark Corrected: remarks at some futur Corrected: future time, to set you on a more firm basis in the Spiritual infoldment Corrected: enfoldment from Your Spirit Guides

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