You I trust have not despaired of my tenderly considering your favor of the 25th inst.Editorial Note: See 587.60.017. The plaint of so many sufferers at times makes me sad. But this is my joy to know there is a balm in Christian ScienceJer 8:22 Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered? . I have no opportunity to work in the department of healing farther than through my books and lectures. I am constantly in receipt of letters telling me As Written: my that my work Science and Health has cured them simply perusing it.
Have you this book? I can send it if you desire, by mail, and have it not already.
Enclosed find the card of a practitioner As Written: practioner of Christian Science As Written: science She is younger than some others who have so many patients they are not willing to take your case -- but she has done good cures