Accession: L10639
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to James Ackland, April 14, 1881
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: James Ackland 
Date: April 14, 1881 - archivist estimate
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy.
Related Topic: L09055Click link to view L09055 document in new window
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear friend

I have been trying for the last weeks to write you as mysteriously as those private MssEditorial Note: This is apparently a reference to copies of Eddy’s “Private Directions for Metaphysical Healing.” disappeared have they reappeared Gilbert says he knows he put them on the top of the desk and we found them As Written: then under the dressing case on the carpet in the bed room three weeks after we lost them Every week I have said to Gilbert put the copyright stamp on them and let me send them to Mr. Ackland but every As Written: evey week it has been neglected until yesterday I got it accomplished and herein enclose As Written: inclose three Please let us know if you get them I have on hand a very interesting class of seven students Two ladiesEditorial Note: The two ladies are Elizabeth G. Stuart and Jane L. Straw. See L09055 where they mention studying with Arens, but that they did not learn from him how to heal the sick according to metaphysics. who studied with Arens but found their practice betrayed their misteachings got frightened over some things they did came to me took down their signs and gave me a certificateEditorial Note: L09055 is likely the certificate referred to here. of Arnes's imposition

Your very truly
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear friend

I have been trying for the last weeks to write you as mysteriously as those private MssEditorial Note: This is apparently a reference to copies of Eddy’s “Private Directions for Metaphysical Healing.” disappeared have they reappeared Gilbert says he knows he put them on the top of the desk and we found then Corrected: them under the dressing case on the carpet in the bed room three weeks after we lost them Every week I have said to Gilbert put the copyright stamp on them and let me send them to Mr. Ackland but evey Corrected: every week it has been neglected until yesterday I got it accomplished and herein inclose Corrected: enclose three Please let us know if you get them I have on hand a very interesting class of seven students Two ladiesEditorial Note: The two ladies are Elizabeth G. Stuart and Jane L. Straw. See L09055 where they mention studying with Arens, but that they did not learn from him how to heal the sick according to metaphysics. who studied with Arens but found their practice betrayed their misteachings got frightened over some things they did came to me took down their signs and gave me a certificateEditorial Note: L09055 is likely the certificate referred to here. of Arnes's imposition

Your very truly
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This is apparently a reference to copies of Eddy’s “Private Directions for Metaphysical Healing.” The two ladies are Elizabeth G. Stuart and Jane L. Straw. See L09055 where they mention studying with Arens, but that they did not learn from him how to heal the sick according to metaphysics. L09055 is likely the certificate referred to here.