Your favorEditorial Note: See 163A.27.023 at hand The article that has appeared in The Interior is excellent one of the most adapted to do good that has appeared.
I am not able to answer your question, why? I sent the certificateAs Written:cer. to - for I do know myself. I had not thought of doing it a minute before I did it and even asked myself afterwards the same question why I have faith in these things and believe there must have been some good cause, as I am not actuated by a bad one.
Won’t As Written: Wont you tell me the reason for your inquiry If only these public articles against our causeEditorial Note: Christian Science are answered by scientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists all will come out as God designs Give love to all the members C. S. A.Editorial Note: This is a reference to the Christian Science Association of Chicago, which was a branch of the C.S.A. in Boston, Massachusetts.