More beautiful than even the freshing budding spring is the blossom of your thought correct euphonic poetryEditorial Note: Alice Sibley had sent poetry to Mary Baker Eddy. The poetry is not extant.. That word embraces to my mind all the graces. I wish O! I wish, but vainly, I had my fancy free to write you a little offering, but will some time. I have no broken wing only a folded one. Now dear Go forth into the fields, drink in the breeze, be happy and free. O the bliss of freedom! I would I were a child again, but you dear one, are now both child and woman; you are, in other words you are when I descend As Written: decend to pet names, my naughty wild girl wayward in goodness impulsive as the March wind and sunny as the flowers
Good bye. I hope you will remain at your best all the time next Sabbath and not get impatient with me because I have passed the heyday As Written: hey day of Life and have now no time for the sweet joys of friendship but must show my love for you all working at the treadmillAs Written:tread-mill of metaphysics. Alice dear, my forth coming bookEditorial Note: This is a reference to the third edition of Mary Baker Eddy’s book, Science and Health. It was published on August 17, 1881. is like a meteor of light or a clear coin taken from the old mine of my other works
There's my views don't name them please. I always do as I agree when it is practicable I promised to burn a letter once to suit my wayward girlEditorial Note: See the letter from Mary Baker Eddy to Alice M. Sibley, dated August 6, 1880 (L13359). Eddy responds to a letter from Sibley that Sibley requested her to burn after reading it. but I cannot do it this time This sweet poetryEditorial Note: Alice Sibley had sent poetry to Mary Baker Eddy. The poetry is not extant. I shall keep and share Deo volenteEditorial Note: God willing