Accession: L16163
Editorial Title: Asa Gilbert Eddy to James Ackland, October 16, 1879
Author: Asa Gilbert Eddy 
Recipient: James Ackland 
Date: October 16, 1879
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Asa Gilbert Eddy on printed stationery that reads: John B. Baker Attorney at Law & Counsellor in Patent Causes.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mr. Ackland
Dear Friend

I am sorry to say that business has detained me from meeting you at the apoin appointed As Written: ted time and as no one knew where Hotel Western was I fear you did not get our telegramAs Written:tellegramEditorial Note: This telegram is not extant.____

I hope to get ready in the course of one or two days but have difficulty in finding parties; We shall have a meeting of the members at Mrs. Rawsons where we have been since the day that we started and had to wait to attend to more business and we should like so much to have you present ___ I shall be at Boston As Written: boston to see a man at 7 A.M. tomorrow morning ____ and will come to your place directly from the Eastern Depot, I can then tell you more than I can write

Truly Yours
A. G. Eddy
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mr. Ackland
Dear Friend

I am sorry to say that business has detained me from meeting you at the apoin ted Corrected: appointed time and as no one knew where Hotel Western was I fear you did not get our tellegramCorrected:telegramEditorial Note: This telegram is not extant.____

I hope to get ready in the course of one or two days but have difficulty in finding parties; We shall have a meeting of the members at Mrs. Rawsons where we have been since the day that we started and had to wait to attend to more business and we should like so much to have you present ___ I shall be at boston Corrected: Boston to see a man at 7 A.M. tomorrow morning ____ and will come to your place directly from the Eastern Depot, I can then tell you more than I can write

Truly Yours
A. G. Eddy
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This telegram is not extant.