Accession: L16190
Editorial Title: Asa Gilbert Eddy to Benjamin F. Atkinson, January 24, 1878
Author: Asa Gilbert Eddy 
Recipient: Benjamin F. Atkinson 
Date: January 24, 1878
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Asa Gilbert Eddy on lined paper.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Dear Sir

Will you pleaseAs Written:pleas be cautious to say nothing that will disclose Mrs. Eddys condition of health to any one as such disclosure would encourage the enemy and serve to increase her sufferings

Truly Yours
A. G. Eddy

If a hearing is had please so manage it that it may before you if you can at least let it be before those that have studied Science as none other could possibly judge of this matter

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Dear Sir

Will you pleasCorrected:please be cautious to say nothing that will disclose Mrs. Eddys condition of health to any one as such disclosure would encourage the enemy and serve to increase her sufferings

Truly Yours
A. G. Eddy

If a hearing is had please so manage it that it may before you if you can at least let it be before those that have studied Science as none other could possibly judge of this matter

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