Accession: L16775
Editorial Title: Alfred Farlow to Lewis C. Strang, December 26, 1906
Author: Alfred Farlow 
Recipient: Lewis C. Strang 
Date: December 26, 1906
Manuscript Description: Typewritten letter by Alfred Farlow on unlined stationery of the Office of the Publication Committee of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, with signature in Farlow’s handwriting.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mr. Lewis C. Strang,
Pleasant As Written: Pleasat View,
Concord, New HampshireAs Written:N.H.
Dear Mr Strang:

I have just received your letter of the 25th instEditorial Note: See L16095.. I also received your note concerning the revision of a BylawAs Written:By-law, and your later note, stating that the BylawAs Written:By-law would not be changed. I also received Mr. Frye's letter, asking me to be in Pleasant View at 2:45 todayAs Written:to-day, and then this morning your note, informing me that the plan had been changed, and I was to await further instructionsEditorial Note: See L16095..

I also received Lord Dunmore's article. Please thank our Leader for her pains in running over this for usEditorial Note: See L16095.. We had quite a time to make the gentleman understand what we wanted. At the beginning of the work we got Mr. McCrackan and Mr. McLellan also to look over the copy, in order, first, to get a broader criticism, and second, to make it easier for us to ask him to make certain changes. In his first draft he had about two pages on the recent yellow journalismEditorial Note: The “recent yellow journalism” Charles A. Murray wrote about probably refers to attacks on Mary Baker Eddy by the New York World that began in October 1906, and the December opening article in a hostile series on Eddy’s life by Georgine Milmine, published in monthly installments in McClure’s Magazine., but we got most of the fight out of him previous to his visit to Concord, and Mrs. Eddy took the rest of it out. We think that his visit on the whole has been a very profitable thing to our Publication Committee work.

Yours very truly,
Alfred Farlow
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mr. Lewis C. Strang,
Pleasat Corrected: Pleasant View,
Concord, N.H.Expanded:New Hampshire
Dear Mr Strang:

I have just received your letter of the 25th instEditorial Note: See L16095.. I also received your note concerning the revision of a By-lawCorrected:Bylaw, and your later note, stating that the By-lawCorrected:Bylaw would not be changed. I also received Mr. Frye's letter, asking me to be in Pleasant View at 2:45 to-dayCorrected:today, and then this morning your note, informing me that the plan had been changed, and I was to await further instructionsEditorial Note: See L16095..

I also received Lord Dunmore's article. Please thank our Leader for her pains in running over this for usEditorial Note: See L16095.. We had quite a time to make the gentleman understand what we wanted. At the beginning of the work we got Mr. McCrackan and Mr. McLellan also to look over the copy, in order, first, to get a broader criticism, and second, to make it easier for us to ask him to make certain changes. In his first draft he had about two pages on the recent yellow journalismEditorial Note: The “recent yellow journalism” Charles A. Murray wrote about probably refers to attacks on Mary Baker Eddy by the New York World that began in October 1906, and the December opening article in a hostile series on Eddy’s life by Georgine Milmine, published in monthly installments in McClure’s Magazine., but we got most of the fight out of him previous to his cvisit to Concord, and Mrs. Eddy took the rest of it out. We think that his visit on the whole has been a very profitable thing to our Publication Committee work.

Yours very truly,
Alfred Farlow
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See L16095. See L16095. See L16095. The “recent yellow journalism” Charles A. Murray wrote about probably refers to attacks on Mary Baker Eddy by the New York World that began in October 1906, and the December opening article in a hostile series on Eddy’s life by Georgine Milmine, published in monthly installments in McClure’s Magazine.