Accession: L17549
Editorial Title: Isabella S. Cadman to Mary Baker Eddy, February 6, 1884
Author: Isabella S. Cadman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: February 6, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Isabella S. Cadman on embossed lined paper from Chicago, Illinois. Includes notations in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
Archival Note: See 654.69.005Click link to view 654.69.005 document in new window to view the original document for this transcription.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsweredAs Written:Ans. Feb 12
Mrs. M. B. G. Eddy
Boston, Mass.
Dear Madam,

Wishing to know more of this new scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science I address this letter to you. Please give me your lowest terms for instruction, also length of time required to be able with ordinary ability of study to practice this scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science & also the price of board? Do students room & board in the College building? I have been taking treatmentEditorial Note: Christian Science treatment through prayer here with a Dr. Sherman a pupil of a pupil of yours. & as he expects to be absent several weeks he advised me to go direct to you for study.

I have been out of health several years my troubles being constipation & leucorrhea, the Dr. is certainly helping me every day & I am growing stronger & in every way seem improving. He says there is no reason why in a few months I may not be a strong healthy woman again & I trust this is true. He As Written: he further As Written: farthur says he sees no reason why I may not study & practice this scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science to advantage. Please give me all necessary information & reply as soon as possible.

Very respectfully
Mrs. J. P. Cadman
259 S. Wood St.

Handshift:Calvin A. Fryewill take at normal tuition 300 which will pay Dr bill or give you a profession give date of Class

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAns.Expanded:Answered Feb 12
Mrs. M. B. G. Eddy
Boston, Mass.
Dear Madam,

Wishing to know more of this new scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science I address this letter to you. Please give me your lowest terms for instruction, also length of time required to be able with ordinary ability of study to practice this scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science & also the price of board? Do students room & board in the College building? I have been taking treatmentEditorial Note: Christian Science treatment through prayer here with a Dr. Sherman a pupil of a pupil of yours. & as he expects to be absent several weeks he advised me to go direct to you for study.

I have been out of health several years my troubles being constipation & leucorrhea, the Dr. is certainly helping me every day & I am growing stronger & in every way seem improving. He says there is no reason why in a few months I may not be a strong healthy woman again & I trust this is true. he Corrected: He farthur Corrected: further says he sees no reason why I may not study & practice this scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science to advantage. Please give me all necessary information & reply as soon as possible.

Very respectfully
Mrs. J. P. Cadman
259 S. Wood St.

Handshift:Calvin A. Fryewill take at normal tuition 300 which will pay Dr bill or give you a profession give date of Class

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Christian Science Christian Science Christian Science treatment through prayer Christian Science