Accession: L17951
Editorial Title: Notes by Calvin A. Frye, November 15, 1883
Author: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: November 15, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Calvin A. Frye.
Editorial Note: On occasion, Calvin A. Frye served as a Christian Science practitioner to Mary Baker Eddy. This document apparently contains his notes from one such time.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Nov. 15. 1883

Mrs. Eddy has had a belief of difficulty of breathing for the last two days and got only temporary relief from it, this morning at about 4 o'clock she called me to help her I attempted to do so for about ten minutes when she told me I made her worse afterwards told me she could not rise from bed to speak to me because of the suffocating sense it produced: worked for faithfully last evening with little result. When we were together this morning at about 9:30 she discovered that the mesmerists were arguing to her inflammation As Written: inflamation and paralysis As Written: paralyses of spinal nerve to produce paralysis of muscles of lungs and heart so as to prevent breathing & heart disease with soreness between the shoulder bladesAs Written:shoulderblades

She experienced the greatest relief when she and I took up Kennedy & Arens to break their attempt to make her suffer from aforementioned beliefs. And As Written: and she said "I have not breathed so easy for two days"


Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Nov. 15. 1883

Mrs. Eddy has had a belief of difficulty of breathing for the last two days and got only temporary relief from it, this morning at about 4 o'clock she called me to help her I attempted to do so for about ten minutes when she told me I made her worse afterwards told me she could not rise from the bed to speak to me because of the suffocating sense it produced: worked for faithfully last evening with little result. When we were together this morning at about 9:30 she discovered that the mesmerists were arguing to her inflamation Corrected: inflammation and paralyses Corrected: paralysis of spinal nerve to produce paralysis of muscles of lungs and heart so as to prevent breathing & heart disease with soreness between the shoulderbladesCorrected:shoulder blades

She experienced the greatest relief when she and I took up Kennedy & Arens to break their attempt to make her suffer from aforementioned beliefs. and Corrected: And she said "I have not breathed so easy for two days"


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